But they’ve just been quoted out of context, didn’t you read? /s
First off, if anyone is breaking the forum’s code of conduct, despite the colour of their text, people should use the appropriate flag option.
Story time:
Many years ago another major game studio used players for helping to moderate their forums. Later, those same players launched a lawsuit against that developer, basically stating that they were officially doing the work of employees and should, therefore, be paid. My understanding is that they were successful in their legal battle.
Fast forward a couple of years to when WoW becomes a huge hit and Blizz opens up their own forums. They have made it crystal clear from the get-go that they will not be giving players (including MVPs and CC members) any kind of moderation power or tools.
Most, if not all, MVPs, especially those of us under the CS/TS group, are well aware of this, and you will not likely see any of us stating that we wish we had such powers. In fact, the only time I would want such a thing is for the very rare case where someone comes to CS and believes that they’re posting privately, thus including their real names, addresses, emails, and I’ve even seen phone numbers. Those are the only real posts that I wish we had the ability to delete and none others. Only to save that person’s actual private info from being out there.
Seems to me that the general concensus is.
Account wide blocking without battletags sounds great.
Visible battletags is debatable but freaks some people out.
No account wide blocking sucks.
There are a few dissenters here and there and arguments about the details, but in general this seems to be how it has shaken out here.
I dont know why this thingdid that swap again lol. guess I have to stay logged in 24 hours a day ,lol
To reiterate…green/orange/whatever evidently stand out around here and should absolutely be mindful of their behavior and then NOT make up excuses when they dont.
We all know what to do when someone violates the rules. That isnt an excuse for the bad behavior.
Just an account wide block. We dont need tracking devices in here to have that.
If it uses existing account info behind the scenes, great.
IF they have to find some other way…still great. Get it done asap, please, lol
There is no perfect, but going with the majority helps the most. In this case I think it is the option with the least downside, least backlash from the community and easiest implementation.
BattleTags etc I don’t mind and could go either way, but, IMO, account-wide ignores are the most important thing to add.
Why does this thread have more than 15,000 replies, lol? What is there to discuss? Of course account wide ignore should be the default, you’re ignoring the person not the character. No one is nice on their warrior but mean on their hunter unless they take RP to a whole new level! I don’t see the controversy.
I think they were trying to contain the trolling btag threads here so they made a super thread of this one to keep the forum more clean of the topic.
definitely a hot topic that gets out of hand quick
There shouldnt be any, but some like drama…and I dont want MY public id showing on this forum so we end up having ‘discussions’ about it lol
This was my thoughts exactly.
Thankfully, nobody wants anyone’s public ID to be used on the forums.
Instead, some of us are suggesting that the battle-tag system that’s already been developed for things like the forums (as it’s still used on all the other Blizzard forums), be used to help simplify the move to account-wide ignore
It’s silly isn’t it!?! Thankfully, the majority of us actually understand the benefits and use of the b-tag system as it works today.
Some people seem to think that it belongs to them or is something that Blizz introduced as a private thing despite Blizzard being 100% clear that it’s meant to be your public-facing tag for use by Blizzard. That’s why they use them both in and out of their games already.
You’d think so, but account wide ignores are real life threats according to some people
Some people just don’t understand that the only person that can ruin a person’s reputation is one’s self
How can you not condone something as you do it, just wondering?
What, like your bestie did and said it’s deserved if their info got out?
Can, actually quite easily.
Something about this coming from Bari is just… lol
That pretty much summarizes the entire thread, yes. Only people against the account wide ignore are the people that would be afraid of being outed for sock puppeting.
In the end, the fear of “muh secret alts” being known based on ignores doesn’t matter because if someone ignores them on one they would be ignoring on all and if the person didn’t care to ignore them on one already they wouldn’t care if the poster was just a different alt and it wouldn’t matter at all unless they were using an alt just to bump or boost their own idea.
It’s quite simple why there is controversy .
The sock puppetting , gaslighting ,self liking their own post trolls don’t want people to have the ability to completely ignore them .
So they come up with all these things people that are pro account wide ignore /pro btag would do if it actually happens , not realizing it’s the same stuff they have actually been doing for years in the forums with impunity.
Morning everyone, daily support for account wide everything.
what do the greens even do? like do community vote on who becomes one? lol
You do know MVP’s aren’t supposed to be professionals. They are just more knowledgeable around certain area’s… But they are just like everyone else who uses the forums, a normal user.
jesus…the crap I was reading before…yeah…some seriously do mangle things into other things lmao