Can we get account wide ignore?

Depends where you are in the world, but in many places it’s not. At least not yet.

That’s blaming the victim; I’ve heard that even school kids are expected to have laptops at schools these days, and banks are increasingly shutting down branches making online banking and so on necessary.

That’s again blaming the victim

In my opinion, it’s not the best situation when you’re at the point you feel you have to talk AT someone rather than WITH them.

See, this is the problem with people putting me on ignore, I don’t know who this Baridorielor is, but they see a quote from someone else, and think that I’m trying to justfify doxxing when at the time I was arguing the opposite.

Well that person is doing us all a favor. Even if I don’t agree with their methods.

The internet should be a place where people can agree to disagree respectfully much like in any respectful civilized country.

No idea where you from, but if what they say is true about you, you are just demonstrating MY argument that people will dox and name and shame people online, therefore as much privacy as possible is important.

Okay, it’s like this…

Phase 1-I get into a relationship with someone from World of Wacraft and they are the only one that I’ve given out my real name/ID (they would find out about my real name if we ended up dating)

Phase 2-They find out who I am on the forum due to my forum being account wide. They don’t like some of the things I say.

Phase 3-Partner and I have an argument; they then start spreading information about me to not only other wow players, but possibly in real life too.

So for people to just blame it on me for ‘trusting the wrong person’ sadly it’s not that simple, in today’s world lets be honest, when you break up with someone people get vindictive and try and trash your name and reputation in anyway they can, and turn the whole breakup into a big Kangaroo Court on social media

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The rest of your attempted point can be ignored, as this is the crux of your issue, always - personal accountability.

Yeah, if I got into a relationship with someone, and then found out they were, for example, ultra-racist or something on other platforms, the scenario would play out similarly. I would drop that person so fast their head would spin.

Your issue is that you apparently want to be two-faced, and then get upset and surprised Pikachu when you get called out on it. Life is short, and most adults don’t have time for that kind of garbage.


yeah, thats when I normally leave the room.
I’ll try a few times to get the point across. Try to see if there is some merit to what someone else is saying. If they arent listening and i find nothing theyre saying as believable…such as needing X to accomplish Y when I know Y doesnt require X in any way…then its time to just admit we’re both wasting our time and stop interacting.

that person does LOT of misinterpreting what is actually said. Theyve done with with my own posts they screenshot that I was looking thru last evening.
I wouldnt get too worked up about it, Just ignore it.
No one here actually believes you are condoning doxxing.

which is why some want more of everyone elses account information in here that isnt required for account wide ignore

No, your problem is your just a rather hateful person.

Ya mean your empty performative novel that does nothing but distract from the main point?

Here’s a question, if you’re so intensely concerned about privacy, Why, pray tell, give your actual personal information to a Billion dollar corperation?..

Those who want respect, give respect.

And again, this is you not understanding how the internet works.

…Why so curious? Hmm?

Funny how we didn’t bring up doxing first, and yet for all your guys’s grandstanding about privacy and doxing, you sure do bring this point up alot about “I dunno who you are” or “No idea where you from” as if you’re trying to pry some sort of actual personal info out of me, because i disagreed with you.

Btags, let alone your character names isn’t Doxing. It’s not even close.

All you’re doing is demonstrating my and everybody else’s arguments that you people have no idea what you’re talking about and just villianizing people over something you’ve done instead of taking responsibility for your actions.

If you hate people sharing what you’ve done, then don’t do the things. And people should have the right to avoid you. Esp since all the things you and others have said.

Don’t want to be made an example not to follow? Don’t say silly things.


How has this turned into an internet psychiatry session where people are now diagnosing “concerning” things from social media posts? Nobody is here for that nonsense.


But I’m not racist or any of the things that people have accused me of being, most of what people have done is misquote me or taken much what I have said out of context.

That’s part of why I’ve learned that around an intimate partner you have to keep your mouth shut a lot and be on your best behavior and only show them the best self you can be if you want the relationship to last any length of time, I don’t feel this is deliberately being deceptive, you WANT to be your best self for your loved ones,

The last thing I want is some statement said on the internet taken out of context affecting me in the real world, internet stuff should stay internet stuff

That’s just being a healthy adult

They are required by certain laws to protect some information I believe.

I am getting older, and what I am learning is that you either die young enough to be a hero or live long enough to be a villain unfortunately, but my motivations in arguing my case aren’t just for myself, but I know I won’t support any situation in which people are at risk of being called out or having their reputations ruined,

So I’m assuming you are the infamous gentleman that’s been naming and shaming us all on Twitter or whatever in God’s name they call it these days, well that’s fine, Elon Musk isn’t that popular right now anyway

I guess their concerned that i’m one of the few sane people here.

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It’s not. Do you not shop online? The information is out there, because you put it out there. At the end, it’s all on you. I know you are quite careless just from your posts on the forums. Due to the nature of how the internet works, you don’t get an expectation of privacy, if you keep posting sensitive information.

Hell, Blizzard had a data breach a few years back, they got emails and some account info. That’s all that is needed. So did Amazon.

You know whats scary? When I used to work security for a firm, I found some municipalities, keeping voter information on an unencrypted databases. I mean Name, Addresses, Party affiliation, death and birth certificates and a whole slew of information. All it took was a name and a simple google search. I contacted my bosses, they contacted the municipalities. About a day later, I got an email from my supervisor to stop what I was doing and leave the matter alone.

Anyhows, if you post or say anything on the internet, it’s there and it’s not really that difficult to gleen stuff you wanna keep private.

I digress, We need to be able to ignore the player, not the character. I don’t care how Blizzard does it, just would like for them to do it.


If i were intensely concerned about privacy, i wouldn’t even be here. Unrealisticly, i would be somewhere in the bermuda triangle on an island somewhere.

Age doesn’t come with Wisdom.

Ahh yes, because calling out lies is being the villain apparently. /s

They ruined their own reps, so there’s that.

Calling out lies, Criticizing or laughing even isn’t shaming or naming. It’s simply saying “This is an example i don’t think it should be followed” or “should be avoid”. If the names are gone, your ideas and nonsense will still be laughed at, criticized and called out still all the same.

And mind you, i also praise or cheer people on twitter as an example to follow. Like i have for Trustlvlfour. :slight_smile:

Appeal to Triviality much guys?


Good morning.

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.


You do realize it’s been almost a year of this, and Blizzard hasn’t done jack squat

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You do know, they have made known they want to make some changes, and usually it’s just before an expansion launch when they do it.


Then it’s 50/50 whether I’ll unsub or not when War Within Comes out.

Given how unprofessionally some of the green posters have behaved, unsubbing is tempting honestly.

Account wide ignores sure would be swell

That’s pretty much my entire message


They aren’t professionals. They’re just players.

That being said, they should definitely not be toxic or bigoted, and I’ve seen that from a couple. Blizz has yet to respond to my feedback email. Not sure if they do.


Unprofessional? They don’t work for Blizzard, they are posters just like you and I. They are under no obligation to agree with you nor act professionally.

Maybe if you pay them, you can complain that they are unprofessional. Until then, however, they owe you nothing. Don’t get mad just because they don’t support the agenda you’re trying to push.


and certainly dont quit the game one enjoys over behavior on this forum.
If a green/orange/whatever is misbehaving it literally confirms my statement elsewhere that you DONT let people with personal interest/investment in the topic then be moderators. Way too much personal bias to be objective.


I mean they do act significantly more professional than the average poster


I’m not accusing you of being racist, I was just using that as an example.

Your entire explanation revolves, again, around the fact that you already gave out your real personal information before you gave the person your Btag. If someone is presumably already in a relationship with you and already knows your personal information, how exactly is simply knowing your Btag going to result in “doxxing” when they already know your real name and who you are irl because you told them?

So, let’s start over. You meet someone online. You do not foolishly give them your irl info immediately. Explain, in detail, how they can doxx you if all they know is your Btag for a video game.

I’m waiting.


I dunno, your post history on this toon shows you said some awful things.