Can we get account wide ignore?

Taco reservoir depleted so you went evil

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Yeah almost like Btags and account wide stuff would come in handy there I think

i think bc all the other related posts abt forums just goes to hell. not to say
this one hasnt but when we have 2-3 of the same topics floating they may as well consolidate it bc thats what happened last week and it got bad. plus the topics all kinda return to this one so its just spam at that point lol.

I think because of mostly due to spam within the topic as well as the spam of the topic itself. One of the CS said there was already topics on which we can addon too.

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You sockpuppet! :o how dare you (I’m joking ily)

Vongola#1794 requests and supports:

  1. Account wide ignores :taco:
  2. Battle tags on the forums :taco:
  3. One singular account, keeping ignores, post count and trust level :taco:
  4. People who are ignored being unable to view your posting history or reply to you :taco:
  5. Forum themes :taco:
  6. No more notifications from people we’ve ignored :taco:
  7. Friends list and DMs :taco:
  8. Tacos every tuesday :taco:

Glad someone understood, or agreed with what I was saying. I was starting to wonder if I had lost my mind.

yes i would agree here as well.

Cough High elves customization.

And they know it. :no_mouth:

It actually sounds like a box of crackers tbh. :thinking:

Wheat thins to War thins. Now coming to your local army. :rice_cracker:

It is such BS that I ignored a known troll, and yet I still see his dumb bait posts.

I never look at the name in the list of threads before I click, and I shouldnt have to.


Why are we still on this issue, and so desperate to just ignore everyone,

In my world the biggest internet crime is Doxxing, which would be the consequence if people found out even a shred of extra personal information about you, until such time as the act of Doxxing is banned on the whole internet, I’m not willing to get a shred of privacy,

What you all fail to understand when you say comments like “your btag and characters are not your private information” is that IF I’ve already revealed some of my personal information to someone I thought was trustworthy on Wow, and there was a shred of risk of that person finding out who my alts are, that would be a bad situation, it could even lead to potential real life consequences,

Yes the bad side of people being anonymous is that people are going to troll and abuse that right, but your privacy online is one of your most important rights and I’m not willing to take any chances with it,

People say that I’ve been giving out personal information for ages, but they completely miss the point, that talking about some of my experiences in an anonymous setting is SAFE, if there’s even a shred of risk to your privacy being breached, I’m not okay with that,

Problem is if you give some people an inch they will wan to take a mile that’s also why I’m opposed, how long is it before we tiptoe towards naming and shaming people’s accounts for something silly they said on the forum,

It would be better if someone did the wrong thing, that they were reported and the matter was dealt with in a low-key fashion, that would protect everyone.

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You do know doxxing is illegal?

Well, then you need to leave the internet then. Your information is out there whether you like it or not. Your real name, your SS#, bank account information, birth records, etc… on on the internet, even more so on the dark web, and all that is up for sale. All it would take is a motivated individual, with time on their hands, to dig up all what I listed.

The crazy part is, it’s your fault for putting it out there. Quite easy for someone to put 1 and 1 together.

Well, I hate to say it, that’s your fault for placing your trust in someone, especially if you met them online. I have seen your post history, you are not a nice person. What comes around goes around.

Since this is my new posting character, you are going back on ignore. That is another thing about account wide ignores, forum ignore lists should be account wide.

Back to the nether you go…


I read a ton of it. Its way beyond boredom. Genuinely concerned about it at this point.

When youre in a real debate, two sides try to show their arguments to the audience and that audience then decides who sounds more convincing…who provides the best evidence to support their side.
Granted, there are tactics in a debate that go way beyond just showing evidence, but thats for another post.

In here, there is no audience we’re trying to convince in that way.
We’re all here ramming our ideas out onto everyone else and, as in that real debate, little to no one is actually listening to what the other side is saying, but just spewing up what we have to say about topic X.

the problem with that…with the web…has always been that you THINK its a debate where we’re swapping ideas and each side might actually be taking in information to see if they need to adapt or change their views a bit to account for new information…but it aint like that in here…or twitter…or facebook…or youtube…or anywhere else Ive seen online.

What we are here for is to TELL everyone else how it is and argue till we’re blue in the face.

THAT is why I ignore people.
I aint got the time in my day to sit here railing back and forth with someone knowing we ARENT listening to each other in any way that matters. Knowing neither side has any intention of conceding a single point, even if they know how absurd their point is. Such as claiming to ‘need’ something to accomplish X, when X doesnt require what the person is saying is needed.

So the second I see thats how its going to be…AND I see that said person is going to keep yapping at me AFTER Ive said ‘we’re done here’…yeah…the ignore list is where they are going because MY time is more valuable to me than that.

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Did it change after you were off the forum for a bit?
Mine has done that a lot. I’ll log in and the posting character has changed for some reason.

And any day that ends in “Y”


Each of us can ignore other posters for whatever reason we want. But when I do ignore a poster, I want to ignore that poster without having to ignore each sockpuppet they switch to. I don’t need Btags displayed to do that.

I’m glad you understand :grinning:

Is Litith trying to justify doxing now?.. :man_facepalming:

Oof, nice job destroying the Anti-tagger’s argument in one go. LOL.

Cept you actually do. If there’s no name to the things you’re ignoring, how can you be sure you’re ignoring that account then? You can’t look at hidden posts and go “Oh that’s the account i’ve ignored”. Unless you’re fine checking to make sure it’s them.