Can we get account wide ignore?

absolutley agree.
The forum the wife and I met on years ago tried it because the forum had grown so huge that they needed moderators. So you could ‘apply’ and get the position.
They nearly ran the forum into the ground doing that.
The lesson they learned was that people who post on the forum have too much PERSONAL investment in what goes on and CANNOT be objective and unbiased in their duties as moderator.

Stupidly, I did the same exact thing on one of my first forums I did years ago.
I was going on vacation later in the year so I had about half a dozen members volunteer to moderate while I was gone…for a frikkin week. lol

When I came back they had run off / banned a list of regular members over PERSONAL disagreements on doctrine.
So I dismissed the moderators, begged those members to return and never allowed anyone to moderate my forums again.

INstead i shortened the rules… made them very clear. and instructed members to use the ignore if they had problems with other members and ONLY report posts for a VERY narrow set of infractions.

Have had VERY little trouble since then and its been a few years now.

They should NEVER consider allowing ANY member of this forum who posts at all about anything be moderators. There is too much temptation to let personal bias into the job when youre personally invested in the topic.

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Where are we getting that we are asking to be moderators?

If it’s about that wikipedia article, that program ended in failure.

I just would like to ignore the player, not the posting character. Blizzard can work out the details on that.

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Well it’s a good thing nobody is asking for anything even remotely close to that, so I don’t know why you’re so concerned about it happening.


Mmmm tacos.


this user is asking for forum users to become mods, though.

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OK, so one person is asking for that.

Liolang has been acting like there’s some wide spread support for users to become mods.


Some people need to rage about something…


Too Right.

Like honestly, i know i would invite more heat on myself, but why can’t they just go up and talk to me there if they have a problem with what i’ve said?..

None of my twitter posts are made to attack that somebody, but at worst, to rather avoid that somebody or avoid being example of that somebody.

Hell, my last one was actually praising somebody. Granted on our side, but if seeing the console wars ever taught me, and seeing that in effect with the worgen, they will surprise you into agreement sometimes. Like how selective the mods can be for one, and how account wide ignore isn’t fully put in game it seems.

Off-topic, but can they just direct their rage at Elon Musk for making editing behind a paywall? I feel like that would be a much more productive use of that rage. Didn’t know how much i miss the edit button lol.

Dont expect them to actually read, lol.
I read the post myself.

And as I said…people posting here, INCLUDING ME, CANNOT be unbiased and objective because we are too close to the topic.
someone who thinks they can be unbaised is literally proving that they arent thinking objectively.

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To the forums, no.

Actually, Blizzard is always hiring moderators and GMs. It’s a paid, in office jobs. BUT you have to move to Austin, because it’s not outsourced.


They are required and Id guess if polled nearly 100% would be in favor of account wide ignores in here as long as there were no other strings attached that would enable more harassment.
One thing the two sides here agree on IS account wide ignores. So for all the infighting we do over the dreaded words, we are unified in wanting account wide ignores.

Something about your posts…very familiar.
Did you post in some similar threads last year under another character? lol
just curious. My brain is infested with seeing patterns in things and your posts feel familiar, but your character doesnt seem like one I noticed before

That’s Dooblie or however he spelled it. I think this is his 4th toon.


dooblie…THAT is the one it sounded like.
so Im not losing my mind seeing things, lol

That sounds fine.
I think one rule that should be laid out for moderators is that they cannot be regular posters here. Cannot get involved with discussions, as in how we’re doing it here day to day.
But paid positions sound great. That incentivises to keep things above board when a paycheck is on the line.

personally, this forum is fine. I mean, yeah, it has bad days here and there, but I mean, come on…its NOT that insanity over at twitter or even close to as bad as facebook.

if we all would just relax, report legit rules violations and stop coming at each other with stuff, this forum would be enjoyable every day of the year

Actually from talking to a friend of mine that used to be a GM, they are given a specific account for GM stuff. Also they can play on their own accounts, but are under a NDA. That’s a firing offense for breaking it.

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I would never have guessed with all the bad press blizzard gets that its a paid thing. lol.
Kudos to them for caring about their game and their community. :+1:

Yeah, It’s paid gig, with Awesome benefits. It’s a full time job with healthcare, plus access to every game Blizzard has to offer. For WoW. They get a 35 year wow game pass, and each year of employment, they get a 1 year card to do what ever they want with. PLUS, the wow account is upgrade to full Collectors editions.

But it it’s not an easy job. Not only they have to deal with issues for all their games. they have to support the forums too. From what I understand, turnover is very high.


Had me interested till that part, lol.
I worked high stress jobs all my working years for someone else. Put me into the hospital three times over stress and crap.
The rest of it sounds fantastic.

Given the abuse they receive from players, can you blame them?