Can we get account wide ignore?

No, sorry. You see it tied to a character, but that character is tied to and authenticated as the (no idea why this became a link) account. It’s a label that you see. The system has all the info behind the scenes to do this.

You see Kaledin-uther. The system sees battletag-kaledin-uther. It knows exactly which account posted it, so it can block that account easily.

I will try to simplify a bit. If you log in using the battletag/ account, and not a specific username and password for your character, then the system is authenticating using the battletag/ account.

So unless you have logins for every character, the system sees them as a subset of the main account. The other users don’t, but that is how the forum posted it. It authenticated against your battletag/ login, looked at your options for character to post as, then posted as that character under your main account. It just hides that info from the rest of us.

If it actually worked on the bnet account level then people would not have to ignore every individual character a single account has separately . It would be one and done.

With how the wow forums are set up each toon is it’s own account when it comes to things like ignores ,likes , flags , post counts and trust levels.

THis is why when you change toons your post count resets to 0 until you post . Why people can like their own posts in order to skew the actual popularity of said posts .

It only works on the bnet level when they give people forum vacations . This is not about that . This is about giving the people the tools to ignore others on an account wide level.

No one here has a right to be heard by those that choose not to interact with them .


No they are not. That is like saying every toon in WoW is on it’s own account.

Do you have login for each character? If not then the login you use to get into the forums is what every character is tied to. The ignore we are offered is not for an account…which is defined as something that authenticates access here. It is based off a tag added to a post that comes from an account.

If what you said was true then if Blizzard banned a user they could just change characters and log back in. They can’t. That means everything is tied to an account.

This is about all of this because people are acting like the forum can’t do this, and it absolutely can. It just doesn’t.

Wondering if you guys are thinking I believe there is account wide ignore right now or something. I don’t. The system currently blocks by character not by account, but it definitely has the backend info to block by account. If you could see the database that holds all the forum info it definitely all links back to an account, not just a post by a user with no dependencies, ie a tie back to another data set.

If you don’t believe us, why don’t you go ask CS. They’ll tell you the exact same thing.

The forums treat each character-server as the forum account, not our BNet account. Otherwise if it treated our BNet account, I wouldn’t even be able to like myself on any of my alts. I would’ve been able to ignore the entire BNet account of such person and not one of the characters. I wouldn’t be able to switch to every toon I have and even mass flag myself into oblivion. Just throwing out random examples here.

i dont see any issues with that.

Let me put it to you another way. To change characters, do you log out and back in?

I am not saying it doesn’t TREAT you that way. I am in fact saying it does treat you that way…but not in the technical sense in it’s database. It is authenticating to allow you to post, every time, using the account. Thus, it can do it either way, they just don’t do it either way.

I am a tech, so I am looking at it from the technical stand point. When they say it treats it as an account, they are just saying it as far as blocking/interactions, not the technical sense. if it treated it as an account for each character then every character would have their own login.

Have you ever looked at each profile of your characters, and wonder why the summary page is all different for “joined” and “last seen”?

As I said, if you don’t really believe us, go ask CS.

No that is what is called a subset. It is showing you a subset of your total account. The account gives you access to each of those subset. Each subset acts like its own subaccount if you like, but it is still tied to the primary on the backend. If it wasn’t then you wouldn’t have access to all your characters by simply clicking on your profile picture and choosing change character.

I am not sure how I can more easily explain it. Treated as vs actual system. You see each character as their own distinct thing. The system sees them all as tied to a and thus it would be easy to pull it to do account wide ignores. They just don’t.

Don’t bother with him .

We all know the issues with the current system and Blizz has admitted there are flaws in how they set it up instead of doing it like their other forums


Ok, whatever That doesn’t change that you don’t login as characters so the database absolutely uses your root account to post. It just doesn’t show that to anyone.

Yes you don’t log in as individal characters in the forum but once again .

You switch characters each has its own post count , likes ,flags and trust levels .

Each character has it’s own ignores and can bypass any ignore said character is a part of .

Yes Blizz can suspend entire accounts based on the actions of what is said on a single too but this is not about that .

This is about giving players the tools here in the forums to ignore entire accounts as well as making it so trust levels and post counts are the sasme no matter what toon a person uses .

This is about limiting the number of flags to the account and not having each toon have it’s own individual number of flags. It is about limiting the number of likes to the account so that players can no longer like their own posts in order to skew the popularity of said post.


And I still apologize to Fuzz for my part in it. I blame the Nyquil at the time, but I did get heated over it. I felt weirdly attacked as a woman with facial hair and had apart in taking it off the rails.


and i think this is a good design.

you were mentioned about 48 hours ago there, lmao. so yeah…still doing it.

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Total support for what people do or don’t do with their facial hair, as long as it isn’t hurting anyone. :hugs:

Total support for account-wide ignores, trust levels, dessert recipes, yadda yadda.


why do you support this?

I was one for the theatre chat room.

All I am saying is all the database information is there to do account wide ignores because the characters are essentially sub accounts.

I was just commenting on the account backend and how databases work. There must be a tie between characters and the account used to post as them.

In short the interface treats them as accounts the database behind it knows they are sub account/characters.

They just need to adjust the front end.

They are Ayukuma is spreading lies!


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Damn and I thought the only thing Aussies spread was vegimite