Can we get account wide ignore?

Oh, it gets even funnier, I even get called Capslock.


Good morn… I mean good afternoon.

Overslept today.

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.



I’m not sure what part of that was unclear.

I was on a Moon Guard character, and from that character I ignored a Wyrmrest Accord character on the other account.

Then I came back to a Moon Guard character on the same account and whispered the ignoring character and was blocked from communicating.

Where is the process supposed to break?


All right. Testing that.

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Okay, no, you’re right.

On MoonGuard A, I ignored WyrmrestAccord B1
Switched to WyrmrestAccord B2, whispered MoonGuard A

The message went through. That’s not cool.


That is indeed not cool and it didn’t used to do that.

That sounds like a bug of some sort.


Today is the day for Cata classic, and you know what would go good with Cata classic? Account wide everything.


Cata classic is releasing already? Dang

Hang on it said may 20th!

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Well, it is in prepatch, but servers are still down.


Ah got you.

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But it would be good to have it with account wide everything on the forums.


Oh gosh, are they gonna have that screen shake effect again? Gosh that was forever ago lol

I dunno, I only got as far as the login screen, servers are still down.

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Im feeling pretty old now.
I haven’t really dabbled in classic but I’m kinda curious what it’s like

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Yeah, I looked around on the bug report forum to see if it had previously been mentioned there and it didn’t seem to be, so I went ahead and made a post for it. Obviously something on the back end recognizes the account because if they switch to a character on your server it ignores them just fine, but something about the cross-server part of it just doesn’t seem to be connecting right.

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This is Fuzz on my evoker I had to swap to talk about the evoker leggo being bugged and didn’t feel like swapping back.

Sounds good and hopefully that’s fixed quickly so folks don’t have to worry about being harassed etc.


No. Literally read the whole comment, I have not edited it at all and it still says they don’t. Stop trying to troll by taking thing out of context when you respond to a message that you didn’t read the entirety of.

Wow, even still says “Community Council without the moderation abilities”, crazy.

Yeah now I see your other post, will quote it and talk about what I mean here.

The forums are signed into using your battletag/ account. The posts are labeled with characters for other users. The forums can still see what battletag/ account was used to post. Other users can’t, but the forum software authenticated you using thebattletag/ account. So there is no reason the forum can’t block you at the account without showing me your battletag/ account.

The character you posted under is really just a label. Nothing else would have to change, just the check the forum does when handling any blocked content would just check one level higher than it does now. It might even streamline the system as it won’t have to check every character just the root.

Still confused when you say they are designed for one account to post from…then you say ayukama and saradots are two different accounts…I take it those are both your characters? You don’t sign in with different accounts to post from them. The forum just puts them out there as different posters, but the ACCOUNT is your battletag/ account.

Easier to think about it the way I explained. Every post is tied to the battletag/ account AND to the character. So every post could be filtered by either if they wanted it to.8

But it isn’t, that is the problem. Like, yeah, in a way, actually, you are correct, but also in-correct. Although it isn’t something that I can’t fully explain.

But Discourse is designed to be where we’re posting from an account, but this is not the case, because of the forum software treats the character-server as the account.

Ayukama-Frostmourne is it’s own account, just like Saradots-Whisperwind, one of my alts, is also it’s own account. Post aren’t really connected on a BNet account level. Likes aren’t connected on a BNet account level. Like, you basically get the picture, everything, post, likes, flags, trust levels, ignores, are all tied to character-server.

Otherwise, if things were tied to an account level, then where, since nothing is actually tied to my BNet account when on the forums.

the way that the forum currently functions is that each post is only tied to one character.

Right and I said the Community Council has never had moderation abilities .

So how can anything be like the Community Council without moderation abilities when the Council never had those abilities to begin with ?

The only ones capable of moderation are those with Blue text (ie actual Blizzard employees)