Can we get account wide ignore?

So chain of events to make sure I’m understanding correctly

Moonguard A --Ignores → Wyrmrest B

Moonguard B – attemps to Whisper → Moonguard A

Moonguard B – cannot communicate → Moonguard A


thank you for confirming that, i appreciate it.

Cool, so you think account wide ignore not being cross server in game means we shouldn’t have it here…because? It’s just such a bs argument that has no reasoning other than wanting to harass people.

In game we need full account wide ignore that is cross server, and effects all queues
It should cross over to the forums, and it should be tied, in the background to the account not to any character or game. Just make it tied to it in the background and keep it hidden.

All the rest is pedantics trying to argue for ways to stalk people and or cause trouble.


Not sure what you mean by this? How would it work? It would ignore the battlenet account, but not tell you what that account name is so you can’t go cause trouble. That’s all. So let’s say your Battle net ID is Ayu808. I block ayukama-frostmourne and you also have another charactercalled ayustalker-uther. I see that name on my block list, but the system sees the battle net ID.

Behind the scenes every character you have is already linked to that battle net ID. So when you post even though we just see Ayukama-frostmourne, the system sees Ayu808-ayukama-frostmourne. So if I block ayukama-frostmourne, it would list that name for me…and would list in a hidden list the Ayu808. Then when you post on ayustalker-uther, the system that checks the block list would compare the full name ayu808-ayustalker-uther, to my hidden block list, see ayu808, and block you.

That’s probably a poorly optimized way to do it, but it would be the easiest way to keep the normal list, stop people from learning battle tags, and apply an account wide block. Then if you jumped on the diablo forum it could just carry over with that hidden list still existing and that’s it.

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Heads up not worth the time. You’ll be in a loop with them.

I replied to the wrong reply >< that was for your first reply to the pally sorry

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Yup I know. I am not trying to change their minds, as I don’t think they are honestly debating it. Debates are rarely for the debaters, they are for the audience. Just hoping anyone at Blizzard is actually reading this monstrosity and seeing how poorly those who don’t want it are behaving.

It’s just a safety thing at this point. Too much stranger danger!


thank you very much for the kind words, friend.

i hope you have a lovely day!

If they hopped to another WrA character, that character would still be able to whisper them.

To clarify as I’ve said before, it ignores an ‘accounts’ characters for YOUR server just fine. It doesn’t for any other server. They can keep going on and creating characters on other servers, or use all their characters on other servers and they will be able to message you.

If in game ignore was truly account wide, that wouldn’t be possible. So maybe ask Blizzard to fix that first, and it’s obvious whatever system they use in game doesn’t go off ‘btag’.

Ugh, I am starting to get sick of repeating the same line over and over again:

And considering Ayukama-Frostmourne is the account, according to the forums, when my character is not the account.


so the account wide they added is only if they have characters on the same server as you?
thats a huge fail bc ppl have alts in dozens of other servers

I’m skeptical of this, and will continue to be until someone other than rage worgen confirms it.

I’ve had enough experience with them playing fast and loose with the truth that I’m not accepting almost any claim from them at face value without supporting evidence.


Vongola#1794 requests and supports:

  1. Account wide ignores :taco:
  2. Battle tags on the forums :taco:
  3. One singular account, keeping ignores, post count and trust level :taco:
  4. People who are ignored being unable to view your posting history or reply to you :taco:
  5. Forum themes :taco:
  6. No more notifications from people we’ve ignored :taco:
  7. Friends list and DMs :taco:

You should rename your BTag to TacoIsKing… :rofl:

Just for taco’s.


Not gonna lie, I’ve considered changing to TacoOverlord on a few occasions


Speaking of rage, did you see what the other person said about us, and accused us of doing… Even put us at the same level as T-Squad.


ya know, i don’t even know why that person is pretending T-Squad isn’t on their side. The squad are clearly anti-Btag and even pro-Do-err i mean Real-Id, totally different.

And oddly, i’m also able to recall it was the anti’s that call Btags The W word. Well i say recall…

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If you actually ready my comment in full context you would see that. Didn’t even edit my post.

After work if I remember I’ll try to make a recording of my experience for science.

I got 2 accounts too so worth a try.

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Oh lord not the T virus.

When you replied to the other person that their idea would be like the Community council without moderation powers . Which implies that you are saying the community council does have moderation powers .

My response was that they don’t .

No where in your comment did you make it known that community council members do not have moderation powers.