Can we get account wide ignore?

They can message you from any character, even if you ignored their btag. There’s also a bug where even if you removed someone on btag they can keep messaging you until you ignore them, something about a chat box still being open.

Incorrect, only characters on the same server as you. They can message you from characters on other servers.


Or a cracker.

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yes, that is how it works… thank you for helping me to explain that.

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Why this one is the only one that doesn’t work that way is beyond me, like it’s always been super weird to me since every other Blizzard forum works that way without any type of problems and here with the character to character system it allows trolling, harassment, sockpuppeting, bypassing ignores, etc. just by jumping from one character to another character.


one more like to 500!


Except we aren’t talking about b-tags we’re trying to talk about account wide as the OP mentioned in the very first post. Do you want this to be another b-tag thread to get deleted? We’ve seen those do not last long so why do you keep offering this as a suggestion? Stay on topic. Account wide is fine, anything more is unnecessary.


That is on topic, even if you disagree with it. The easiest way to accomplish account-wide ignore is to make this forum like the rest, using the public b-tag system that Blizzard designed for this very reason.

The fact that there are still people pretending like it’s somehow a private system is just silly. Blizzard makes it completely clear when you create your b-tag that it’s for public use. So those who want to pretend it’s private or shouldn’t be used despite all other Blizz forums already using it, are really struggling to come up with a logical and sensical reason not to use them.


…the last few topics on Btags specifically wasn’t enough to tell you that it’ll never be a good idea for these forums?


at some point you have to just let people think what they want to especially when it’s an incredibly small group on the btag opposition. it’s not like we’re getting overpowered lol. now it’s come to people are willing to compromise the tags or just plain account wides but a few “die hard” protaggers keep going and going and going…


As I’ve said before, if btags are or aren’t added doesn’t matter to me at all

The forums already knows everyone on our account is on the same account, so shouldn’t be rocket surgery to enable some kind of account wide ignore


With me it is usually guildies (or former guildies) that I limit it too .

Hey if I am running content on a regular or sdemi regular basis with people then I see no problem .

OP hit 500.


Where’s my golden plaque for my amazing achievement


From what I gather If you do an ignore it ignores the other person’s account but there are 2 flaws with it .

1: Only counts for the toon that did the ignore (alts have to go back and ignore said person individually)

2: Only works on the server where the ignore occurred

THat is why the antis are so against account wide ignores or btags being used .

It’s not that it will cause us pro account wide ignore /btag people to do all the stuff they say we would do with it but the fact it will make it harder for them to do the stuff they say we would do but they have been doing for years with impunity


I’m not so sure about this one, as the only source I can find for it is that 1 person with a known loose relationship with truth.

Since I had a little bit of sleep, let me explain further.

The forums are designed in a way, to where it is supposed to be one account to post from, etc. According to the forums, Ayukama-Frostmourne is a different account than Saradots-Whisperwind, despite both characters are mine, and are really on the same license of my BNet account. Now, how would account wide ignores work if the forums treat each and every character as the account?

There needs to be something for the forums to say that the BNet account is the account, and not our character-servers, which is where BTags would have to come in, because it is a nickname used to identify the BNet Account. This is where I was fully getting at.

How would an account wide ignore work if the forums treats the character-server as the account.

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So, one of the fun things that you can do to when you have two accounts is test stuff like this.

On a Moon Guard character on the one account, I ignored one of my alts on my other account on the Wyrmrest Accord server with an /ignore Charactername-WyrmrestAccord

Then I logged over to a Moon Guard character and tried to whisper the ignoring character. The result? I didn’t get the whisper on the character who did the ignore and the whisper-ing character got a message that they were being ignored.

In addition, both accounts are Bnet friends with each other.

So yeah, everything seems to be working fine. If that was broken at some point, it’s not now.


Only works for characters on your server, correct. If they keep hopping alts on a server that isn’t yours, they can do it all the time. If Jal wants to test it, make a 2nd character on WRA and try it instead of making it on the SAME SERVER as the message receiver. Me and a friend were already able to recreate it, so it’s still not account wide.

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Already disproven when the MG character was able to ignore the WrA character.