Can we get account wide ignore?

Oh. Okay. Nah I was just saying okay but the :ok: emoji felt too aggressive. :ok_hand: feels like it’s got slightly more laid-back energy.

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lol all good I understand.

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I disagree. It sounds like Ayu is saying that we need account wide systems and used the word Btags, the existing account wide system, as the shortform for that.

Ayu has made it clear several times that they support Account Wide everything on the forums and that it doesn’t need to be a shown Btag or that it could be a shown Btag.

We don’t need to be inquisitorial to people here. Take them at their word.


“and then…”



Given the posts people reply to and what they seem to be saying, things can get confusing. If I offended or annoyed anyone, namely Ayukama, by asking those questions, I’m sorry. I was just confused is all and I haven’t exactly been in these threads all that much. I’m a person who enjoys discussion and wants to make sure I understand what’s being said.


We need account wide ignores right now! I need to block everyone who uses “Warthin” for the next expansion. For some reason that really gets under my skin. :unamused: It sounds like a wart remover.


Well it’s because were trying to take something simple and make it rather complex for ourselves but not for the other side. Where i think we should just keep it simple, using the idea the current ignore system has and incorporate account ignoring with no ambiguity on who you’ve ignored.

‘Dude, Where’s My Car?’. I haven’t seen that in a while and the clip. :laughing:

Me either but the no and then works in this situation xD


Is ignore account wide in game? I saw a convo and maybe even a green text post saying it was but maybe i misremembered or misread.

That might depend on how ignores work in the game, if it is Btag based it is account wide, if it is character based, it is likely not.

I have a guildie on ignore and every character on account 1 can’t see what they type.

Had to add them to account 2 though so it’s per wow account if you ignore a character. It’s whatever account they are using.

Not quite sure how bnet works though.


Erm…why??? Like as a test or like as a genuine ignore?

It’s my understanding that it’s a yes and no type of answer. Yes it is account wide, but only if that person is on the same realm as you…or something? It’s convoluted, so take that last bit with a grain of salt if it’s not exactly how it works.

Edit - Perl down below got it. It’s account wide but only per-character. Any character ignored by your main will also have to be ignored by your alts.


Genuine ignore. They ignored me for some unknown reason. Im like “to meh with you” so ignored em back. Been that way almost a year.

No idea why just “poof” ignore and discord block


You must have shed into their mac an cheese. :grin:


:flushed: Oh my. How strange.

I saw a rather…unique? No…unfortunate. Yes. I saw a rather unfortunate take on mac & cheese on Instagram the other day, and have sworn it off for a while because of that. It was dreadful.

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What was it?

Ummmm…how to explain.

The first word rhymes with mac…but there’s no mac…think pigs that have uh…been fixed.

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It is, because it means it’s not account wide ignore, which people are stating is already in game. It doesn’t work that way, and it allows them to get around it so how can it be ACCOUNT wide.

It’s the same thing with them being able to contact you from characters on other servers, if people want it to work like it does in game… Then you’d still have to ignore every character someone has if they’re from another server on the forums.

Just best to not say “I want it on the forums like it is in game.” because it doesn’t work correctly in game.

You’re confusing two different things. If I have someone as a b-tag friend, they can message me from any character and it goes to my b-tag. If I remove them from b-tag, then they can no longer message me.

If I ignore a player’s character in-game (not using b-tag, just character name and server) then that character and all the characters on that account are ignored by my character. But I have to repeat this process for every single one of my characters in order for that person’s account to be ignored. It’s sad that it works that way as once you ignore someone, it should ignore them across all their characters and should not matter which character I use too.

What I want personally is for this forum to work like the rest of Blizz forums, where we post using our b-tags, with the addition of being able to switch which character is associated with that b-tag for those who wish to RP on the forum.