Can we get account wide ignore?

If you’re going to bellow out the ToS or CoC make sure you do it for everyone or you are just playing favortism with the posters here. Not uncommon but is what it is.

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I’m not going to be defending anyone here, but Moondoogie isn’t attempting to shut down the thread. They were just discussing on what might of happened, along with I earlier. I don’t think it is fair that you pull it up with them when I have been doing the same thing earlier:

Case in point with my post here

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Good morning everyone


ty. im not gonna discuss anymore on this after this comment but he has actually said he was silenced and why. ive said that on the other topic but i cant bring it up according to nayaga lol.

oh and he looks at this topic too and me and ayu are actually in a post on bari’s twitter so thats cool lol. hey bari. :wave:
but ya thats that.

Hold up, he is still posting things from this forum on Twitter?


Not a problem. Just because we don’t always agree on everything, doesn’t mean we always have to go in circular arguments with each other. Sometimes just having a friendly conversation is all that is needed.

But it is night time, and still good evening/morning.


yes but lets not give him anymore ammo since hes stalkin us all now haha

ty very much ayu. im appreciating you being cordial with me these few days and i will not be arguing with you anymore against tags out of respect and respect your opinions regardless from here on. this response alone makes me think you actually want the forums cleaned up in good faith so ya.

in general i dont dislike anyone on the forums but t-squad despite other ppl stances on things lol.


Yep. I’m familiar. As a poor kid growing up in East Germany during Communist rule, when we got pork, we ate everything off it but the “oink”.


Anyways, daily support for account wide everything. And also, account wide tacos.


Good morning!

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.

Tacos are okay, too.



Only okay if are homemade.


Is posting stuff like that even allowed on Twitter or here?

I’m not going after Moon. From what I remember, Moon is on the side of account wide ignores, I’m not trying to attack someone who is anti-account wide ignore.

Sorry to piss you all off!

Ok, ok, ok, jeez, getting snappy with me. Did you have your morning snickers bar with account wide everything?

Oh wait, WoW Forums. Nothing account wide yet, but hopefully soon :smiley:

Oh oh oh am I on there?

Hopefully they got my good side I just had a fur trim.

poses to show off haircut


So, that explains all the fur on my bed.


Sorry but yeah…

But hey least i look nicer and i got a shampoo treatment


Not sure how I was snappy, but sorry if I came off that way.

I just did a friendly reminder and listed the Coc, which you commonly do.

I do it when I’m flagging. I don’t do it for reminders. Anyways, lets all just move on, and get back to account wide everything support, with a dose of BTags maybe?

You know how itchy it will be for me to sleep now? Fur isn’t exactly comfortable to sleep on.

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Hey now I try to keep things clean but the growth rate is high