Can we get account wide ignore?

Why would they do such a thing?

This is the 20th anniversary of wow!!

They should uncancel it.

They said they thought it’d be funny


I’m just gonna set this down over here…

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allowing actual forum users to become mods?

that is not a good idea at all.

if someone wants to be a WoW Forum mod, they can apply for the job like every other applicant.

there is no reason to allow forum users to have the powers of a mod.


Something like that would have to have a heavy vetting process but it could work. They would just have to account for as many possibilities as they could to avoid anyone abusing their power.

When your only real feedback in these threads is “nuh uh” and very little else, I don’t think you will be taken seriously.

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blizzard explained that they will be bringing their games to smaller events throughout the year instead - sounds like a change that microsoft wanted, i suppose.

will there ever be another blizzcon? probably not

Oh my goodness, I agree with this wholeheartedly. That’s a terrible idea. I even think that it would be much better if new mods are not from the forums at all, so they can be fair and natural in their decision making. As Plato said, “Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it.”


Daily support for account wide everything.

Hope everyone has a good day/evening.


phara-bunny hugs and love:dracthyr_heart::dracthyr_heart::dracthyr_love_animated::people_hugging::people_hugging::heartpulse::yellow_heart::blue_heart: Phara :blue_heart::yellow_heart::heartpulse::people_hugging::people_hugging: :dracthyr_love_animated::dracthyr_heart::dracthyr_heart:phara-bunny hugs and love’s throwing in support for account-wide ignore. Even without other account-wide tools, account-wide ignore is the forum feature addition that would be the most useful to me, especially if they combined it with where you cannot see the hidden posts at all like they already do with some of the biggest threads.


This is the most colorful support post and I wish we all could just do these going forward!

For now, I throw likes and quote it (as best I can without TL3). :dracthyr_love_animated:


Wow this post is so lovely and so flashy and I just love it. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Good afternoon!

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.



I don’t think even an account wide ignore is a good idea after seeing what’s happening in the other thread.

Evening support for account wide forum options for a much more healthy forum for us all. :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation:


No, I don’t remember that.

Well then…it’s taken 20 years, but now we can finally say that WoW is officially dying, I remember the excitement people used to feel and how people used to talk about flying over to Blizzcon, and how that was such a big thing…

I may check that out.

My honest concerns are that I don’t like this increasing push for the internet community to ‘police itself’, I don’t think that’s necessarily a good approach.

In the real world we live in a society, where we have things like police officers that we can report a crime to, can anyone imagine what society would be like without police and law enforcement, we’d have no hope,

So I’m of the position that a similar situation should apply in the real world, that there needs to be rules that apply to everyone and a neutral party to enforce it.

More support of account wide ignores and all, and a warning to others that even if you are in support of this, make sure you know the difference between it and other things asked for in other topics.


Gee golly gosh, I always try to think the best of people, but that almost sounds like you’re hoping to cause enough strife in this thread as to also get it shut down. I’m sure you would never, though!


Well, look at it this way, in this thread, at this point, if you ignore it, the post will not show up at all, not even “show hidden post”. If you can see them, flag and ignore.


I am warning you, this topic is on account wide ignore, which people have said they will tank/want. If anyone succeeds in getting this thread shut down, they might as well just admit they want to troll others and not face consequences for such.

If you really want account wide ignores, or will at least take them over other options, leave this thread be if you don’t want to take part, otherwise you are just proving the ones you are against RIGHT.

Oh, hidden account, here we go…