Can we get account wide ignore?

if you get account wide ignores, then you can ignore someone and then search hidden messages to find their alts.

if you get btags, then you can use the btag to link people’s alts to their mains on the forums.

If you made a “burner” bnet like Fuzzbutt said they would not have your bnet. They’d have your burner which you can close.

You’re just talking yourself into a corner.




They have on every other forum.


A very early morning hello to you all!

Daily-ish support for

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels


I got to thinking about something. you know the polls that blizz does around here every so often?

Well a person can alt hop and just skew the results. If they were to put in account wide ignore I wonder if there’s a way to limit the polls to 1 character using the same system or similar system?

I don’t know if people alt hop to skew the results but I’m sure there’s at least one or two that have done it with as large as the forum is.


They skewed the votes on class sets and that free mount we got before due to people jumping on alts and voting so I doubt it would actually show real accuracy unless it was done somewhere where it couldn’t be done that way.


So that’s why we got that ugly tree.


Yeah I was always surprised Blizzard actually went with that after there were others winning then boom a big increase on the tree and it’s like really but it’s whatever, lol.


trust me, they did. remember that one poll about every ppl like or something? it was like wrath, m+, hardcore or something but there was an overwhelming votes on m+ in seconds despite forumers saying otherwise. these polls suck and should just email ppl


Or have it in the bnet launcher itself if that’s possible. Doing it that way I think would make it not as skewed.

Yeah the forum ones with the current set up are just super flawed.


the issue with this is mostly that so few people use the WoW forums that it’s not really a priority.

1 Like

Do you sleep?


i was up late trying to find the thread about dwarven beards but i wasn’t able to unfortunately.

oh well.

It’s still there. It can’t be replied to anymore but it’s still there :slight_smile: Tbh most of what was needed was said earlier in the thread and it was starting to go off topic so locking it was the best bet anyway. I didn’t expect it to go on that long.

But just making sure cause I’ve seen you post when I post and even in between. I get we all have our disagreements and everything but don’t want a person to sacrifice their health over the forums.


I was just gonna say I was just in it a bit ago giving out likes so yes it’s still there.


but a forum user can’t find it just by searching keywords in the general discussion, right?

I typed “lady dwarves,” and it’s there.


Lol no that’s massively incorrect.

This shows the search along with the current conversation. Upper right hand corner there.


Here’s Fuzz’s image:


Thank you Phara :slight_smile:

lol I just noticed it has what Doness said there too in the search bar of where he said he found it.

That’s kind of funny idk why just seeing it twice on the screen there.


wait why did they lock the dwarves one? was it bc the one poster? imagine getting so mad over a lady with facial hair lol its crazy. people cant just let ppl have things in a fantasy game they lose it. games cc is so bad, mobile games are better lol. offtopic but ya sorry it got locked tho fuzz.


wonder why it was closed so quickly, though.

that doesn’t usually happen.