Can we get account wide ignore?

That is true. They are the victims to their own trolling.

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I don’t know, it is a boosted character but it has level 25 pets so if they post on another alt we could find out that they’re the same source, that is probably don’t even need to go through the hassle of checking hidden character Armory pages because the way all of their posts are formatted gives it away.

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I think only if they keep sending you requests even after you’ve denied. You can probably report them and then ignore them. Or just ignore them.

If someone decides to stop being your friend just because they find out information about you, that’s on them, not you. You shouldn’t hide who you are, how you feel, or what you like/dislike just because you’re afraid of what others will think.

Be yourself and you’ll attract people who think/like the same things. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not just to keep people in your life. That never is worth it and it will always eventually fall through because they are essentially fake friends, liking a fake version of yourself.

I have so many questions but I don’t think I want the answers to any of them.

10000000% this. People think it’s safe as it currently is but we have LESS security now. They haven’t complained about anyone doing this, so they aren’t that unsecure. Adding btags will only make them safer.

Me, managing to get in but realizing I’m not actually safe: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

idk im just being honest how i feel about it all even if it’s dumb to most lol. i do find it funny that an mvp blocked me bc i don’t want btags… so yeah, cool community lol.



thank you but if i added you as a bnet friend, then you would have my btag and i am not interested in that.

have a lovely day.

Im about 90% sure there’s more to it than you not wanting btags


Make a new one with an email since it’s easy. /shrug



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i doubt it since ive only ever engaged with em like once or twice in this topic only but who knows oh well lol. im not a bad person like u guys make me to be.

Looks at fictional waiting list of admirers. Well…

personally, i would rather not add you bnet, thanks for the offer though.

See how easy that was?

It’s a win win.

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it wouldn’t be a win-win if you had my btag from the forums, though.

Tbh I wouldn’t even read it and or care I would just decline it. /shrug

But hey since it’s so easy to just you know… make another bnet to keep sending you can just make an email and do a burner right? Right?

no? Ok then.

Bed time.


yeah it works out fine now, since you don’t know my btag… but that would all change if the forums required me to show my btag, right?

because then you would have my btag and i would not be happy about that.

We ain’t talking about that. You said it was so easy to just make another bnet and send friend requests. If you make another bnet, it’s under a different bnet name, right?

Well, I gave you my bnet if you wanna test that. if not well it is how it is.


Uh huh. You lumped those against it into comparison to those types of people. What a wild leap. It’s a video game forum about World of Warcraft, maybe talk about the game and not worry if someone doesn’t share your same opinion over a forum function?

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i appreciate the offer, i really do, but im not interested in knowing your btag or adding you on bnet.

thank you anyways, though.

/shrug well your loss then but was a good opportunity to show case if bnets are as easy to create as ya claim.

But bed time.