Can we get account wide ignore?

but they can always send another friend request from a different bnet, right?

I don’t get how they are making it like sending a friends request is a bad thing. We as the players have the options to either accept or decline.

In fact, the amount of times I’ve posted my full BTag here on the forums, I haven’t even received random friends request.


To send it from another battle net you need a whole new account and if they send you a friend request and you don’t recognize it you can just decline it or leave it unaccepted, simple as that.

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Same. If I don’t know who it is, they can pound sand. And they manage to get in, I can always defriend them and they’ll be remove on my list and theirs.


You know you always end your sentences with “right” and ya sure someone could send another friend request via bnet but I think you’re only limited so many bnets

Honestly be way too time consuming for what it’s worth. Besides 2 or 3 and thens is better than 10 to 20.


In what reality do you reside where everyone is just awash in multiple extra Bnet accounts?

To answer the question, for every bnet friend request, it takes exactly one click to make sure you never get another one.


all you need to make a bnet is an email address.

do we know this is a fact, though?

Or the simplified answer is that we already have ways to send Battlenet friend requests to people who have not given us their battle tag, but as it stands it is a non-issue because in the game there is account wide ignores. Proof that account wide ignores solved the problem and most variations of it already in game. We just want it to solve the same problems on the forums as well.


And a subscription. Trial accounts can’t even talk in local or send Whispers. You can’t create an infinite number of Battlenet accounts that you can do things with without paying subscriptions for each of them, so someone making a whole lot of alternate accounts with different subscriptions to try and get around ignores, not only is putting forth a lot of effort to harass somebody, you’re also spending a bunch of money to do it.


So can I just point out something funny

They’re against account wide ignores

But then, when it comes to btag well the problem is you have to keep rejecting people cuz they can make more battlenet accounts

So they understand having to ignore people multiple times is a problem

Can you see the problem with this lmao


The Doublethink is strong with that one.

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Like, thats 2 of the biggest spammers who are anti-everything accidentally showing they have no real thoughts on the topic

One disagrees with themself, and the other is against it cuz they cant be against it

We’re basically running out of people who are actually against this



Feel free to test the theory.

I’m board drawing so


I mean, one of the arguments that was used to try and support Anonymous posting was that you have to pay a subscription to access the content. That simple fact that you have to pay per account suddenly vanishes from their argument when they try and say people can make infinite battle net accounts with fake emails to spam friend requests.

I pray that is just a broken chat GPT but in not an actual person because it is kind of depressing.

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Can we all just put the forum trolls on ignore and get back to supporting the cause for forum improvements? Replying to them isn’t helping, and all it is doing is making arguments go around in circles.


I’ve been wondering cause do they sleep?

But mooooom!

lol jk jk I know. I put them on then they go off… idk why.


Have you been setting it forever. Otherwise, only other way is if they keep switching between another alt to get off the ignore.

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I stick it on forever and it still acts silly. Not sure why.


Could be a bug within the forums then :dracthyr_shrug:

I dunno, just try and not respond to them. Only reason why there are here is because they are seeking attention, and trying to get the thread shut down. Just don’t respond to them.


Now we all know they wouldn’t go and do something like that