Can we get account wide ignore?

yes i would agree that this is a good ideal to accept.

You are absolutely 1000% correct

What you forgot is that while I can and do accept you for who you are, I can and have chosen to not engage with you* for the betterment of my mental health and life.

*I chose to respond to this quote (out of context because poster is on ignore) because I felt that it was important to acknowledge and agree with accepting of the person as they were, but the mere accepting does not mean engaging with.

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Oh, they have with you. I have. That ship sailed long ago and sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

This still reads as; You’re doing something you shouldn’t be and lying to someone and then they find out and they’re upset at you for it.

And then what exactly did they do to you? Nothing about your btag would be useful.

Accepting how someone is and having to interact with them are two very different things.

If you’re doing something wrong I may have to accept that you are doing so but I don’t have to like it, or interact with you ever again if I don’t want to and you will have to accept that.

Did you read this before you posted? This is a lot to unpack here.


I disagree. I don’t accept many people for their actions. For extreme examples, I do not accept these people: Timothy McViegh, Jeffery Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Nickolas Cruz, Salvador Ramos, Ted Kaczynski and countless others.

Your acceptance is a function of your behavior. Rejection is a result of how you act.

It is our choice to reject your posts via ignores, stop using alt to get around our ignores.

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Well i said something stupid on Facebook regarding some recent events in the world so removed the post quickly when it made a friend angry,

Because of that decision a few weeks later ive let them see my posts again but they are not reacting to the things im saying badly anymore, hopefully they’ve forgotten what I said a few weeks back.

Unlike here where its very clear to me that you remember stuff i said and did ages ago because its harder to erase history here.

Can always switch alts though thank goodness

Then stop bringing it up.


The problem is other people keep bringing it up, like people accusing me of racism and homophobia and other rubbish, to the point where I eventually have to speak up and defend myself, I did that in a post a few days ago though so hopefully I’ve set the record straight

I feel that people should accept me for wanting to ignore the player and not the posting character.

I mean, people should accept others for who they are…right? RIGHT?

I look forward to a system where I don’t have to see quotes from players I want to ignore. Players who are accepting of who I am and me wanting to ignore them.


  1. Battle tags are much more secure than posting characters. Ex. I don’t need to give someone permission in-game to add Perl to their friend list, but they DO need my permission to add me as a b-tag friend. Plus I can say NO!
  2. Battle tags are used on all the other Blizzard forums successfully.
  3. Underpant Gnomes
  4. Profit.

Thanks to those who agree and “accept me for who [I am]”.


Sadly, we remember that history, too. You’re not clever.


but people can post on classic characters which have no armory profile, so those are more secure than btags, because people can use your btag to send you a bnet friend request.

Everything about this I think you should look into yourself and really think about your actions. The why you think through this in this way and really analyze if that is who you want to be.

Cause I’ll be honest, the reasons you seem to be doing what you do? That is a massive red flag for a toxic person with a lack of empathy. Might not be true, but that is the read I get just from you talking about this.

I can only hope for these things.

Would love account wide forums.

Speaking of easily abusable parts of the forums. Classic characters should be attached to your bnet the same as everyone else so this easily abusable aspect of the forums can be closed up just like account wide ignores help to keep people from harassing others.


You can’t explain away your actions. Start a new toon in Remix MOP. Post in a way that will give you acceptance. Only you can fix the rejection you are receiving.


lol I need to make a character named “ananamoose” seeing your name xD


I can’t steal you’re idea, it’s all yours.


It has to be a high mountain tauren.


Made :stuck_out_tongue:

Just gotta log in and run around a little bit


You just need to log in your character and then log out then back into the forums.


The Undead mage needs to under stand we do accept them for who they are and that is why no one wants to deal or associate with them .


The presence of an Armory page does not make anything more or less secure. Can obviously just check and see that a player has no logs of engaging in any content even if they are a classic character. Also your classic character is still attached to the same battle tag so account wide ignores will block all of someone’s posting characters, not just the ones on retail but the classic ones too.