Can we get account wide ignore?

You can report people for sending you friend requests?

More sockpuppets for everyone! Yeah!

They are just baiting and trolling to create a hostile environment and get the thread shut down. Ignore the bait.


Sending friends request I do not believe would be required as harassment. Though, this isn’t something I can confirm nor deny. Probably best to ask CS about this one.

Unless you have broken a rule this really doesn’t mean a whole lot.

The Moderation team will not do anything to you unless they believe, and they can see a whole lot more than you, that you have actually broken some rule. So if someone is flagging you over and over frivolously that won’t do anything to you. It will just get cleared by a moderator.

Your (royal your here) actions are what damages your reputation. No one cares how often you get flagged unless you’re actually doing something wrong.

Moderation doubly so.


Happened to me actually a few days back, on a post I did months ago of all things, not that big a deal.

Unless you’re actively breaking a rule and they can be sure of it they normally just remove inflammatory posts for the sake of any threads cohesion.

This situation is a simple report it to moderation situation.

The current system can be used to these same sorts of ends, and its what we’d do now. A btag system greatly reduces the ability of people to harass and troll by making the entire scenario play out only once rather than across multiple characters.

Which I hear is going up to 65 per account, bringing us up to 325 characters per bnet potentially now, I believe.

Exactly. This isn’t a btag issue its just an issue that exists.


i personally wouldnt be so heavily against it if the community wasnt a nightmare at times. wow is pretty well known for how ‘rough’ the community is and ive seen it first hand lol. i just don’t wanna give people anymore ammo on me here bc i said something they dont like. is it a rare occurrence? prolly, but yeah the less people know the better and just speaking abt this game here.

but…i mean if it did come i’m not gonna hop and throw a fit lol. ill deal just think other alternatives should be discussed before that.

Can you expand on this? I don’t know what you are trying to say. Yes my real life friends in WOW know my battle tag, so what? Nothing they can do with it.

Mornin’ fam. Daily vote for account wide ignores and btags as identifiers. Tools that help us establish healthy boundaries are a win for everyone’s well being.

:shield: :mute: :peace_symbol:


Good morning, all.

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.



Earlier my want for account wide options want grew due to there being more character slots being added soon so going from 60 to 65 that means more characters certain undesirable people can use to bypass ignores which is just annoying and should never happen anyway.

Plus stuff being account wide means we could potentially remove the flag limit or the like limit so account wide ignores and account wide options in general would be a vast improvement for the forums and the health of the forums overall.

Account wide options should include ignores, likes, flags, post history, T3, etc.

:lotus: :lotus: :lotus:


Daily support for account wide ignore, flags, likes etc. the fact that we don’t have it yet is :woman_facepalming::person_facepalming:


Pretty much yes. If this was Final Fantasy 14 I’d actually be fine with it, but the wow community isn’t like that, no offence, but this is a much more toxic community than other gaming communities.

I’m all for free speech, but I do believe some people take things a little too far sometimes…

Oh, I’ve lost friends in the past because they found out too much. That’s what I’m saying.

Shady person gets caught doing shady things and loses friends over it. Shady person wants to keep being shady and never get caught again.

That’s what I got out of that.


See, the whole never learning from mistakes or changing attitude or showing remorse for any actions

Probably more why people have a problem with you rather than people say you bad so they know you bad

Well in my opinion people need to accept you for who you are, this isn’t the reality of life unfortunately,

Therefore we have to only show the people closest to us the best sides of our personalities, for instance I’ve got one person I’ve been close to in the past say that part of why they not been talking to me much is because they don’t want to take out their anger on me or other people, I can respect that, I’d sooner see their perfect side, than their mean side,

On the internet especially this forum part of why I keep coming here is because if I was to say something on Facebook that offends someone I have to constantly delete the comment and clean up the evidence, but here where nobody knows your real self, only a specific alts reputation can be damaged,

It’s just easier.

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They do accept you for who you are, and who you are isn’t someone they want to deal with

You need to accept that fact as well


Sorry but in my world that’s not acceptance, that’s rejection

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So you need to accept people AND have to deal with them no matter what?



I don’t know let me think on that one and get back to you?

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Sure, no rush

I’d like to see how you analyze this one