Can we get account wide ignore?

lots of people in this thread have asserted that they don’t want to see full battletags including the numerical identifiers on the wow forums.

so that would be functionally useless since everyone could just have the same btag.

You didn’t read what I wrote, did you? The random numbers make the Battletag unique. Nobody else will have the exact same Battletag as you.



Goody, time to go for 65 Warlocks. A Warlock Army is a Warlock Army.


the rode to 500 :pray: :heart:


This is someone who’s obviously read some sovereign citizen analysis.

Either that, or read the actual law from the window of a moving car without glasses on.


I say we all have a group bonding exercise by changing our btags to TacoOverlords :slight_smile:


but everyone could have the same name before the numbers, though.

Whether or not we can see the numbers will not effect the account wide ignore, flags, likes, post count or trust level.

We, as players, do not need to see them moderation does.

Everything else would work according to the concept of your account being the focus rather than a character.

I like tacos. That sounds good to me.


I am not comfortable with account wide ignore because if I switched to an alt if someone unignored me then they would know it was me and if it was one of those people that they decided they didn’t like me they might be more likely to be vindictive and more likely to flag me if I broke the rules to try and get me in trouble,

I am just not comfortable with that sorry

You could just like, not break the rules.

You agreed to the rules when you joined the forum, you can’t complain if you get into trouble for breaking those same rules.


As far someone spamming Btag friend requests at another player, the receiving player has three options for an incoming request:

  • accept this request,
  • decline this request,
  • or decline this and all future requests from this player.

It would’ve been easier if you hadn’t just rehashed it all. Again.

You don’t actually want to be forgotten, or you wouldn’t keep doing this.

Don’t break the rules, and you won’t get in trouble. You getting in trouble is a direct result of you breaking the rules, not of someone else reporting you.


This is an unreasonable and paranoid take.

For that to occur someone would have to actively be paying attention for one, for two actively decide to be vindictive and for three thats besides the point if you broke the rules you broke the rules.



I think i worded myself badly with that comment about breaking the rules, i wish i hadn’t worded it that way sorry,

All I meant is that people can gang up on people they don’t like and try get them in trouble stuff like that,

And if you can be private thats less likely to happen and if you damage your reputation its much less fatal socially is all

The key word is “try.”

If you haven’t broken any rules, you won’t get into trouble whether someone gangs up on you or not. They can flag you 'til the cows come home but, if you haven’t broken any rules, you won’t be banned.

At most, your post will be flagged and removed which happens to all of us all the time.

They’ve taken down a ton of my posts lately but haven’t been warned or anything.

It tells me that moderation is somewhat aware of the factions present across these discussions.

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I’m not part of any faction. I never respond to a lot of the other pro-taggers because I myself have them blocked.

Hypothetically, where Btags are linked on the forums a situation occurs where a disruptive player has been kicked or banned out of a guild for whatever reason in game.

The guild manages to block or keep the disruptive out of their circle by blocking their tag however, what the disruptive player does instead is look for someone who sympathizes for their position who has the guilds officers, leader or whoever was responsible for getting them kicked already on their friends list.

Using the sympathizers contacts the disruptive player is able to target those officers or leader across the forum no matter whatever kind of format they interact on, turning the Btag system into one that allows a disruptive player access to those that they perceive having wronged them at all times they’re online or whatever.

Granted it may not work out this way but it isn’t outside the realm of possibility.

Daily support for account-wide ignore, flags, and trust levels. Especially since they’re adding more character slots. :eyes:


It’s not hard to do similar while not even having battletags.