Can we get account wide ignore?

In game it works the same, you ignore one of their characters and they can just logon an alt to harass you and keep it going. Reporting them doesn’t seem to do anything cause a week later they are back at it again.


This is the keypoint for you to be able to ignore the account/person not just a character and not have it where people can’t just bypass that by jumping to another alt character anymore.

I have never understood why people are so worried about battletag showing, every other Blizzard forum shows it and uses it and it’s not like it’s ever actually been detrimental, not to mention if people are really that worried about someone else knowing battletag they don’t need to post or whatever anymore it’s not like using the forums are required.


My phallus-shaped brain regularly harassed me, so I wouldn’t be surprised. But I have yet to have a moderator put my d*** brain in time out.

I guess I am forum stupid because I have no idea what double flagging a post is or how or why I would do it…

I don’t get it either. Its just a username, no different than your character name really. Like I said I’m in it for the account wide forum system, if they add or don’t add btags as something you see or not isn’t that big a deal to me.

But I do think its silly people are afraid of it.


The issue people are claiming is getting friend requests and having to decline them multiple times. I personally am for Battletags, but if folks don’t want the numbers showing, I’m not sure there’s a downside.

Yes I have used other Blizzard forums, namely just the Hearthstone forums, and I didn’t have this problem. Though I’m not some big forum name over there that people would want to harass.

Assuming the ignore system was account wide for the game too we could see that come to an end, but I guess that’s out of scope for this thread.

yes that does feel not good when that happens.

My husband has PB and pickled relish for breakfast… I think he is pregnant

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In his defense some relish is as sweet or even sweeter than jams & jellies. I remember trying pb with a pickled peach and jalepeno chutney. It wasn’t terrible. It was sweet and kind of smokey. I think it had a touch of roasted red pepper in it.

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Food baby XD lol


Been also known to do PB and cotto salami (got this from my dad) great for a serious pprotien burst

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What are the reasons? all she did say is “Anonymous posting will be good for the forums” without actually elaborating on how it will good.

It doesn’t help the fact that she also did say “why exactly you block person? for different opinion? That’s rude.” while the anon in question told someone to unsubscribe from life which just revealed her reason that she just wants to troll while not being known.

There has been studies online that trolls thrive on anonymity, giving them this option will just benefit them more then the forums as a whole and it will turn into a breeding ground of toxicity, you can say “Mods will deal with it” while that can be true… but, the reality is that having rules and mods in place won’t stop someone who isn’t going to follow the rules in the first place.


It’s kind of like people “If we make more laws that’ll stop the criminals”

How so ? They don’t obey the current laws like the trolls don’t obey or care about the current rules .

The current rules do need to be enforced better but having multiple game forums to monitor makes it kind of hard for the mods to do so.

What we are asking for is way for us as individuals to moderate what we see. Us blocking a person doesn’t prevent them from speaking or being seen by others and anonymous posting would make it harder to ignore those we choose to not interact with .


SOME of the people in this thread. The fact that you are lumping every single one of us who are supporting account wide ignore into the group you are railing about shows:

  1. You didn’t read and process the entirety of that thread or this one.

  2. Shows your true purpose in demonizing an entire group and therefore minimizing their stance and attempting to kill the discussion.

  3. Trivializing and completely ignoring the real heinous comments in that thread.

For the record, I have posted a great deal in this thread and regularly post my support for account wide ignores and everything else. I did not blast that person in the thread, save to say that their support of liking someone else telling someone to unsubscribe from life was vile. And then I ignored that toon.

And how I wish for the love of the valar that I could ignore the person and not just the toon.

You do everyone a disservice when you generalize the way you do and you negate your own argument at the same time.

Edit - spelling, grammar, and an attempt to make sense I should stop posting on NyQuil.


there’s a lot of heinous comments in here lol the only reason that thread went down bc it became this topic. we don’t need several of the same heated topic. they prolly just want all forum suggestions in here in that case

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They clearly have a different definition of the word


Slightly more on time than I normally am!

Daily-ish support for

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels


People are always going to harass, no matter the forum platform, who it is runned by, or what ever the rules are. Biggest thing though, is how we, as the users of the WoW Forums, approach to any harassing. Do we report it and leave it to the moderation, or do we step in and bite back to the harassment.

The biggest problem I do see is the moderation, and how they’re sometimes, slow to act on certain behaviour that can lead to harassment. Take for example, people who may want to send people real life threats. Despite the seriousness of the issue, sometimes, those sort of things can stay up for longer than a day. And I can’t entirely blame the forum moderation, after all, they are humans, and they also moderate the every other Blizzard owned forums on top of the WoW Forums as well.

Plus, Orylia explained this the other day, sometimes when people bite back to any sort of behaviour that breaches the Forum Code of Conduct, it does make it harder on moderation, which is where Orylia said, “report, and don’t engage.”


Okay fine, let’s do this. None of this is on topic, but I am only making this post because you asked, so before anyone else can say anything, let me clear up the record and set it all straight.

On the specific point of terminology I used back in the day (this was 5 years ago), in a specific criminal case the judge rules that the word was not a ‘racist’ description of someone. However, the judge did describe the word as ‘unfortunate’, so it’s not a word I tend to use these days; as an aside, many poor people these days are claiming the word for themselves. But if it makes you feel better, I did get some real life karma for it anyway, as I was specifically denied service because of someone else refusing to go to a certain place to help me with paperwork due to their own prejudices against poor people. At the time, I didn’t care if there were anti-social poor people in the area, I just needed help, but was denied it for a few years.

In short, it wasn’t a term directed against race; more a somewhat offensive term to describe poor people-and you have to forgive me at that point five years ago, I finally got out of the ghetto after having it all my life, couldn’t tell you how liberating it at the time to move from that to a leafy suburb where the only people you see walking down the street are religious people that behave. I do acknowledge though that the suburb I moved away from has become a lot better since I left, there’s still lots of people there that smoke and drink all day though (please don’t report me, I know that might be offensive, but I am just stating the facts).

On the second accusation I’ve copped from being homophobia, to clear up what it was I actually said, I just had a view at the time that we should respect LGBTQ+ people, maybe they don’t belong in certain Christian churches, I am not saying we shouldn’t respect people who are different, I just had a view at the time that some LGBT+ values might not align with certain traditional ones, that said there are some Christian denominations such as Uniting Church that are a lot more progressive where it’s okay, as an aside, I am not necessarily saying that I still have that same view now, but you get the gist. Though I do admit, it is quite possible that there are lots of gay people that go to a traditional church and simply are not coming out, and if that’s the case, I am sorry. But I feel there are churches where they do belong. Anyway that’s why I was accused of homophobia. But again, as an aside, I did get some karma for that in the end, as long after that, I actually became quite close to a transgender person in the early 2020’s, and did feel a deep amount of affection to them, so was grateful that gay marriage was legal at that point, as I may have dated them if they had the same feelings. But a year after that, I was subject to homophobia myself for being close to a transgender person but meh, that’s okay, I accept my karma.

So now that I’ve been stupid enough to confess all that to you, can we forget about me and my past and get back to what’s important now?