Can we get account wide ignore?

Pretty sure it’s blizzard holding back, though more likely it’s a complicated issue of forum design and the pros and cons.

And probably just general priorities.

Far as double flagging? I think it’s interesting to watch someone edit a flagged post to get the flag off which I think that poster did if I’m reading between the lines right. I’m not surprised they’d just get reflagged though. Moderation will handle it.

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You are correct, that is indeed what’s happening.

Who knows.

Whatever the case this debate shall rage forever.

Or until it breaks.

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I’ll be honest I wasn’t expecting you to come back with the equivalent of a shrug.

Thought you were going somewhere… I’d say “kid” at the end there but apparently thats derogatory these days.

He’s been going somewhere for over 2 years now, but I’ve yet to see him ever arrive.


The way you say that reminds me of a quote from Star Wars Bad Lip Reading.

“All these steps to go somewhere and we could have been farther standing still.”

Its a ridiculous source but I love that quote.

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… no matter what, we know.

Is this going to end up being something else Ard can’t follow through on?


Hey guys! I’m still here!

Let us ignore the player not the posting toon.


Oh my god, that is sick funny.

Mornin’ fam. Catching up on this thread & it definitely affirms my support for another daily vote for account wide ignores & btags as identifiers. Plz n thank you.


the same thing happens to us on this end too. i suggested btags only if like the 2 last numbers were hidden and someone said"that wont work" then said ima troll. why wont it work? why do you, the player, need the entire tag for? blizz knows who is alt hopping n trolling theyll deal w/ it.

as for whether the anon post was fake or not, the op did give reasons on how it could improve and she was blasted by the people in this thread. so my take is theres no real room for discussion about this at all and blizzard isnt really saying much. the last thing we got was vrak mentioning call outs. so really we’re just going in circles.

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The problem is people think incorrect thoughts about me and other people too, I don’t like being judged for things that are not true

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Lili, I can’t see anything you have to say, nor do I care what you have to offer anyways.

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No, Lilithia, I have checked the beginning of this thread and others. One thing you. previously admitted, for example, is that you called people in your neighborhood a certain racial term. That’s bad. So if that’s true, then what else is?

Account wide ignores sure would be great

Still makes no sense to not be able to ignore a person, as you have to ignore a character instead

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That whole Anon posting thread was a trol going “I want make it so that I have a forced audience so don’t let people have the ability to ignore me”

Because under that type of system even the current crappy ignore we have now wouldn’t work .


Ok I would be willing to take account wide ignores off the table (make everything else like likes ,flags and post counts account wide ) if Blizz was to do 2 things .

Remove the cap on how many ignores a people can have in the forum
Make an easy buton in the area where the heart to the reply to the post butons are .

Would rather it all be account wide but if they end up not being able to do that then removing ignore cap and adding ignore easy button would be a fairly acceptable compromise.

PB and Banana I grew up on those . Used to mash and mix together but now prefer sliced bananas with my pb.

Sometimes I do Pb& J (Strawberry) with banana

Another good combo with pb on a sandwich is :bacon:

Oh and let us not forget Fluffanutters


Good morning, all.

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.



I don’t think they need the btag to be seen. It’s more important that the account be used as the forums main focus rather than the player character. So long as there are account wide ignores, flags, likes, post count and trust level that’s enough for me.

If they do add the btag I’m also OK with that with or without the numbers.