Can we get account wide ignore?

That’d be a real shame, wouldn’t it?


Shame indeed. But I actually know of this, because I had it happened to me, though mine wasn’t exactly avoidable, but there was a time I accidently dropped someones real name on the forums, and when I’ve noticed it and quickly edited it, lets just say I was too late.

It was you, wasn’t it?

/narrowed eyes

I respect that you respected my right opinion <3

I can’t be 100% sure, but I don’t think this is their actual job. I doubt they get paid and, if they do, it’s not enough to spend 24/7 looking at the forums.

I don’t think people realize how much work is involved in modding given the sheer number of posts added each day. Then you factor in their families, kids, possible other jobs…

I have no idea, but it’s definitely a design flaw. Honestly, I think people only hide their profiles just to make it difficult to ignore them…

Honestly, I was hoping they would get into trouble for lying about me, but I think the mods just figured nuking the whole thread was fine. I mean, I get it, there were a lot of replies but damn. Lying about threats feels like it should have some sort of consequence…

Especially when they continue to act like a child in these threads.

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I did find it disgusting how they accused you of making up such a story without any proof it was being made up. But then they acted like they were the victims when they were the ones calling your post fake, especially when you shared some evidence.


That would probably explain why one of my posts got deleted, I misspelled a word by accident and quickly corrected it in under a minute but apparently it was up long enough to be flagged and deleted by asking the question “What’s the difference between Anonymous20394 and this fake battletag I made up for this example?” The misspelling could have been viewed as something bad but when corrected it was completely harmless.

I get a lot of post deleted, but I’m not worried about a post removal myself. I don’t try and purposely edit a post if it is flagged.

i once dropped my real name on another platform
totally didn’t mean to do that lol

I once dropped my own real name on the WoW forums back in Cata. Lets just say I was suspended for a week for harassment… Apperantly, I must’ve been harassing myself back then.

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If you insult yourself in the third person you can also get in trouble :eyes:


How DARE you name-drop that poor individual that may be yourself or someone else with a similar name.

But yeah, they probably won’t check the realID to see that the name of the poster is the name in the post. Will probably be extra difficult if someone used their real name as a character name in more ways than one.

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Not where I’m from. shrug

If wishes were dollar bills we’d all be rich too.

I doubt very much they have anywhere near that many concurrent players these days.

Which matters how?

Accusals do nothing unless you’re actually doing the thing.

Either way an account wide ignore feature (especially if they add post count, flags, likes and trust level) will make it so folk can’t do it. At least not without an actual cost.

Because it’s pertinent that every other forum does.

What doesn’t matter is that those forums don’t talk as much, which is what you brought up.


I think Tooshi there missed my point on that one. No one is going to be able to keep up realistically, but it would sure reduce the need if the current system of per character was replaced by an account wide ignore. No more puppets. No more bypassing the reasonable response.

Some do, but others are tired of the folk following from thread to thread that occasionally occurs.

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That’s actually kinda funny. I won’t lie. Part of me wants to test this.

It isn’t my fault my real name could be the name of someone else.

I would strongly advise against it in your case, haha funnies aside, if you insult yourself in the third person, someone in the world with a name that can be obtained by splitting your character’s name after the first three letters may take offense.

Oh, I know. I never actually would. :sweat_smile:

Oh yeah, you’re right. I didn’t think about that for a reason :sweat_smile: That should be added in, too. If you ignore someone, they shouldn’t be able to view your history or anything.

Nooo, I don’t want you to be banned :dracthyr_lulmao: Control yourself, sir!


Fiiiine. :crazy_face:

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That would be fantastic if it just set your profile hidden to the poster you ignored.

Very good idea I think.


It really does make me wonder what their thoughts are on this.

Much of the arguing is just boiling down to blame games, like posters could be holding back an account wide ignore feature from being implemented.

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