Can we get account wide ignore?

Like I said earlier, this is their thing. They just like to enter threads and pick fights with people just because they can, and then go full drama lama once they can’t take having their toxicity thrown back at them.


I’m not a kid.

I am tired of un-equal enforcement and flag abuse, myself. Especially people double-flagging posts and Blizz not doing what they promised.

Wonder why none of them have very many posts per day.


Not only that, but if they have a hidden profile, it’s harder for us to ignore them. Meanwhile, all they have to do is switch characters.

And for some reason, I’m still seeing posts from people I’ve ignored which is super frustrating.


And then every time one of their posts inevitably gets flagged, it gets edited. The only way to really interact with them involves quoting the entire section you’re responding to, to preserve it for the record.


Quotes also have to follow the same purview as a regular post.

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I don’t care if people hate me. Peanut butter is only good by itself or with jelly. Period.

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It would be great if the ignore function also worked for block-quotes. Having nothing but ‘Ignored Content’ show when they try replying to something is great, having the idiocy be thrown out in full force when people quoted them is agitating.

Opposition is good for debates, can’t have a debate without one. Problem is that there needs to be a reasonable argument in that opposition, if every point the opposition makes is made with the intent to mislead or to attack the person instead of the idea, then it isn’t worth being opposition.



Counter-point, I make sandwiches with peanut butter as well as bananas and/or nutella. It is delicious.

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Peanut butter is great with a lot of things, in my opinion, but to each their own I say.


Fake news! D:

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Awww, did someone took away your taco’s…

/runs away before you get a chance to mention me.

I respect your wrong opinion. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh? Good for you.

Didn’t think you actually were, it’s just a turn of phrase.

Me too, if only blizzard had the time to moderate a thousand post flags an hour.

They don’t, of course. Sure would be nice to just put folk on ignore instead and not have to worry they might just bypass the ignore.

Before you make a leap there, I don’t mean you, I’m just linking back to the topic of the thread.

Different community different types of games. Yada yada. Doesn’t really matter.

Oh yeah, I’d love to be able to quick ignore folk regardless of their “hidden” profile. Not sure why that ain’t a thing anyways?


They’re just making anything up now. But nothing unusual for Pawzer.


My grandma was a devout Presley fanatic, though I didn’t know much about him being a hound dog he was right about PB&B.

The Ministry of Truth.

Hey, just letting you know, Moderation will look at the basis of the post to why it is flagged, and not the edit. And if moderation does find you intentionally editing the post to avoid action, they will take action against you.


A quick option would be good to get back, yes. Currently there is at least some auto-complete functionality when typing out the person to be ignored’s username in our own profile settings it still uses a few more clicks than it should.

I wish they did, because apparently they are still posting after making up stories to slander my name by saying I ‘ran in circles’ with people who don’t even exist and then modifying their post 20 hours after it was flagged and hidden.


Meant as a derogatory, I’m aware.

Yeah if only they were a multi billion dollar company (Technically trillions now, isn’t it?) that actively did so, with live chat, and faster ticket times when they had 12 mil active players

People still accuse others of doing that, despite not being the same people. Still would with it.

Not sure why bring it up, then.

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