Can we get account wide ignore?

Yep. Forums in a nutshell. Disregarding the worst takes possible, the whole point of a suggestion is to convince people why it is a good one, simply saying that it is a good suggestion does not convince anyone.

Why would account wide ignores be good? It would cut back on the potential of abuse, sock puppeting, and harassment. The anonymous post suggestion would enable sock puppeting, harassment, and abuse and make it more difficult for the individual to remove the influence of Bad actors. The supporting argument that being 100% Anonymous made people safer was more or less debunked by people feeling less safe in such situations and the concept of worrying about ones real identity being at risk by not using pure Anonymous posting was debunked because everyone could post their battle net and not a single person can even say what their first initial was, because Battlenet tags contains 0 personal information and are pretty much an alias you choose for yourself which makes you anonymous in every way except for your account handle already.


It was such an obvious troll thread, it’s embarrassing how many took the bait.


Yeah, it is kind of shameful that I gave it time. I am very stubborn and hard to convince but it managed to convince me why account wide ignores would be a very good thing. A silver lining after all.



Your name is familiar but you don’t smell like the other Teufelgott… Something is different!


Something’s not quite right…


An illusion… what are you hiding?


Man, I was so sure nobody would put two and two together and discover my subterfuge.


I did read it, and knew the actual intent of the thread you’ve made. Which is why I told you that if you think the thread is in violation of the Code of Conduct, report it, and mute the thread. Just creating the thread in general in order to get this thread shut down doesn’t work that way.


Well undeads smell like well… they don’t smell good.

Nightborne smell like arc wine… very fruity.


You know it’s a very surreal experience reading this thread being stoned on NyQuil and THC gummies with half the posts bring ignored and can’t (thankfully) see them. I am only following 1/4 of the thread and not sure if it’s being sick, stoned, or all the ignores

But I do want :taco:.


Wait, does all foxes go up to every Undead and smell them?


I would assume that you could smell undead from a mile away.


We don’t have to. We smell them from super far away.

It’s why I was like, “wait a minute…”


So, what does us Night Elves smell like?


Like a campfire? Kinda?



Like, cut wood.

You all used to smell like charcoal but that wore off after a while.

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If you’re not sure, just report it. I know you know how. Blizzard will sort it all out.

I’m unaware of any such restriction.

I was taken out of context. What I meant when I said that was, I would take responsibility if I got in actual trouble.

Actually I didn’t even know I had a tl3 character lol. I’m tempted to cycle between all my alts to find out which one that is, but in all honesty, if I have a Trust Level 3 alt, it might be safer to stick off the general forums with that alt, as I suspect if I said the same things I said on that alt that I am saying on Llithia, I would worry about losing that status.

Are you sure you got the right person? If I got an alt that passed the character test that’s news to me.

you checked too many boxes for me to be wrong.
not that i think you have tl3 of the same acount

You won’t lose TL3 unless you don’t keep up with the requirements or get a forum suspension. Having a post deleted won’t remove TL3. To get a forum suspension, would have to do a big bad and there isn’t much defense for that if you can’t get it appealed.