Can we get account wide ignore?

Don’t waste time trying. The people yelling “may freedoms” never read the documents they are screaming about and have no idea what they are talking about because they didn’t pay attention in school. They have no idea that freedom of speech in the US is the freedom of speech in relation to the government and no where does any document say you are not free from consequences of that speech.

Trying to talk with those people is an exercise in futility. You will get farther banging your head into the wall.


Absolutely nothing. They have no concept of what the freedom of speech in the bill of rights says and what it is regarding. But these same people also seem to believe that the US is the center of the universe and that everything is UScentric and every other country is a 3rd world backwater village.


I may have to save your post so I can quote it every time this comes up on every forum and platform … Ever.

With credit given of course.


This is off-topic, but that’s because the USA is the capital of the ‘free world’.

To me the free world includes Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada and of course the United States of America. These are the main English speaking countries also known as the ‘five eyes’, and the United States has a higher population than all of those countries combined, and because of that, having the most people, that makes the US of A the capital country and most country in the universe. Or more specifically, the free world.

Even if add free non-English countries like Japan to the mix, Japan only has third of the population that the USA does.

That’s why the USA is the most important country on Earth.

Please do. That Law for CS majors class I took has to have been worth something.


Interestingly enough, a certain website bug reports thread no longer appears to be there at all.


Yeah, someone flagged every single post in that thread, and moderation decided to just 404 it.

You can’t blame them for getting rid of something that shouldn’t have existed in the 1st place.


There is nothing wrong with this thread, as you make it out to be. And I’ve explained to you that if you think something violates the CoC, report it and ignore the user or mute the thread, but you have to come out with a comment telling me to stop providing information like I’m a moderator.


Hahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha

That is the funniest thing I have read on the forums in months. I don’t even know MOST of what you have done, and I know that’s a load of crockery.


The thread that was to request account wide ignores and has been the same thing the OP has saying the entire time?

Nah, not really what ironic means

you all know she has a tl3 character right
if nothing else proves she can behave herself and chooses to act like this

Was that just the Beta TL3 bug, or is there still TL3?

I was going to ask that very question.

And no, Norinila, I didn’t know that. I guess that proves to me the BS of tl3 currently.

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nope they got a tl3 that they earned

More people, sadly does not mean better. We are behind in healthcare, education, and GDP per capita. The idea that we are the best in the world is a nationalist delusion that prevents us from becoming the best in the world. Though I’m pretty sure someone would totally make the joke that we would only become the center of the world when obesity becomes such a problem that we drag all of the other tectonic plates inwards towards us.


if you mean the topic with the anon posting, i didnt see anything wrong with it.
people are free to suggest other ideas for forum improvements whether they’re good or bad.
what happen was people here stormed it and it went to hell, like lets just be honest with it.

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Which means they’ll likely never get the changes they want.

That is being disingenuous though. I went in with legitmate questions and was given slander or had every question or concern dismissed in favor of people screaming into an echo chamber.

I think one of the people who was against account-wide ignores was saying that ignoring people who are trolling or harassing won’t make anything better probably doesn’t realize that my experience on the Forum has been a lot better by recognizing and cutting out players that cause problems on purpose.


That thread was a train wreck immediately as well

When I tried to give my opinion on it, they just quoted part of my statement to make me agree with their idea and said thanks

Then when I gave evidence on how it’s not a good idea, they just demanded I left the thread

So uh yea, that thread was started with bad faith and somehow got worse, plus half of OPs post being them just saying how it’s a fact and a good idea didn’t help