Can we get account wide ignore?

I sorry /hug


Well obviously the company isn’t responsible for what you do

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Yes thats all i meant when i made my statement about responsibility so everyone please calm down

So you accept the consequences, except the ones you don’t like?


i understood your statement as it was meant to be taken, i think it was very well-written.

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I don’t understand the need of the statement then, it really didn’t have anything to do with well, anything going on

Like we already know you don’t own up to anything you say or do, so just saying you’re legally responsible for what you say was kind of a moot point


Yeah, we’re not talking about legality here. We’re just trying to get rid of trolls and harassers on the forums.

Well, not really get rid of them but find easier ways to forget they exist.

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Honestly i think only one person here Madleke understood the full context of what I was saying

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i believe that everyone understood your statements, but they have a habit of changing the narrative to suit their agenda, so take that as you will.

i guess live and let live.

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Stuff like this is why I said I’d actually miss Lil if they left the forums

The other nuisances in here literally add nothing to anything cuz their entire arguments are actually nothing and they refuse to even acknowledge people pointing out the obvious issues of their statements or just repeat how bad the idea is with 0 explanation

At least Lil is out here throwing the most extreme curveballs known to man, keeps you on your toes


That is fair.

That’s not saying much considering all they do is troll…


Makes you wonder don’t it?

I actually completely forgot about my history of saying I want to make fresh starts on an alt when I made my comment about responsibility sorry,

That’s a different kind of responsibility to the one I was imagining in my head I was more thinking along the lines of if I said something that was a clear TOS violation then I accept responsibility for that, that’s all I meant

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Just remember.

Their argument fails without anyone to put on the stand.

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You’re right, you are responsible for your own behaviour. But does not mean you can just say anything and get away with it. There is also rules, and you, like like every one of us, also have to obey those rules.


I would like to step in and throw my own support for account-wide ignores, or otherwise just some measure of making our forum presence a proper ‘account’ - with all the privacy and safety features of such. Including the ability to choose whether we would like to display a character name, or our Battletag name (or personalized forum name, if we go that route - I’m not really picky!).

Due to some unpleasant situations which arose from a different MMO’s forum many years back, I am often wary to attach an easily-recognizable character name that I regularly play - and that certain types of personalities will take advantage of being able to find. It is why I post from a Classic alt, for now, even if I do feel awkward doing this as well due to the reputation they seem to have around here. :sob: But as the forum currently is, I do not entirely feel safe otherwise - it would be preferable to have my in-game characters wholly removed from my forum presence, even if it’s just as an option! Since I have seen some discussion throughout this thread regarding wanting the ‘identity’ that comes with a character display, which is entirely understandable - and not something I feel should be taken away entirely.

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Insert Maury Povich meme here

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I go from feeling like a competent adult to not knowing what the dubbya tee flip is going on is this thread, almost instantaneously. We go from talking about Btags to legality and people being put on the stand. WoW Law & Order - Alts and Privacy Unit.