Can we get account wide ignore?

Yeah, kind of why I said “In my opinion”


ok that’s good to know, thank you.

Tbh, I am a little sad at how the internet has turned out by the early to mid 2020s…

Governments around the world have been pointing fingers at companies blaming them for the most degenerate human behavior and calling companies failure to act a cop-out…

Some of you might not like me much and that’s fine, but any internet platform such as this one in my opinion is not responsible for some of the things I’ve said/done, I’m an adult, so I take responsibility for the things I say/do that others might find questionable or dare I say even immoral,

The internet to me at the heart of it has been a good tool to make friends and meet new people, and this game WoW, has been no exception. A couple of people from WoW dated in the past, and I do feel that the younger Gen Z while they get criticized for being ‘lazy’ sometimes, in my experience I am finding in general this new generation of young adults are actually very tolerant and understanding of diversity, and rightly demanding increased diversity and inclusion in the workforce.

I might not like some of you, but the fact that you stood up for another poster when someone crossed the line (sorry to keep mentioning it) gives me the honest opinion that while there will always be trolls online, the best side of humanity is going to win out in the end, it’s surely inevitable…

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Can we at least make it so the list of unreads does not include topics/the last reply if it is from one we have ignored? I keep seeing 1 unread but the last post I see I have read many times with nothing below that yet the 1 unread does not go away unless I reply to the topic myself, making mine the last reply.


you do not…not ever


Bro when have you ever done that once

You quite literally talk about how you just want fresh stats constantly



Hahahaha, I’m stealing this from you, sorry not sorry. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


yes, i do feel the same way.

that is a very good insight. thank you

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I am back to advocate for battle tags and account wide ignore to be added to the forums.

This forum is filled with trolls and people who are, quite frankly, mean for the sake of being mean. The fact that it’s so difficult to ignore someone who annoys, harasses or trolls us, yet it’s so easy for them to get around that is unacceptable.

If someone is going after us, all we can do is flag and ignore them, hoping they are dealt with. Our ignore list has a limit and all they have to do is switch characters and they can continue.

Please allow us to ignore someone - not for a month or four - but forever without allowing them to just switch characters. We need account wide ignores to do this.

Adding battle tags will stop people from jumping around and pretending to be other people to further their own arguments, liking their own posts and flagging those they don’t like.

Let’s make the forum safer and less toxic for everyone.



after speaking with some friends, they have also explained that they are in the same boat as they have never used the ignore feature on the wow forums before.

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Oh i meant that from a more purely legal perspective than any moral one sorry

Um… should… should we be concerned? o-O?!


Are you out here making threats against people or something cuz



This makes you wonder don’t it? o-O

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I think they are saying they only take responsibility if they break the law, so things that are technically legal, such as trolling, is all on the table.

No no not at all.

I was simply saying Blizzard is not responsible for my behaviour thats all I meant!!

Then why not say that?!


Because humans are weird, don’t yell at me :sob: