Can we get account wide ignore?

The people posting are definitely the loud minority, yes, that much is a given. Though loud in support would be outnumbering the loud opposition, there’s the quiet support (almost 500 likes on the first post) but the lack of downvotes means flagged posts are the only ‘quiet disagree.’

And: to add on to this: your opinion on whether or not you think your btag or characters are personal information doesn’t matter here. Only Blizzard’s does.


Daily support for btags and account wide stuff ^w^


Costs and what benefit it is for Blizzard to make these changes, as their interests in having these forums are likely already being met.

I’m not a game developer or business guro but I can tell you that few at the level of shot caller would be considering these changes as a net gain for them or the companies interests.

There’s no way you can justify it to everyone without making it look like users have little to no sense of self control, requiring a stronger ignore that will likely be ignored anyway or that the community can be significantly impacted by such a change.

Account wide ignores won’t stop users from rolling in and spewing hate and vitriol. Account wide ignores won’t save them from any bad PR the next time they stub their toe on a feature like Plunderstorm just as broad examples.

If it’s too costly or difficult for Discord/Blizzard to add account wide ignores, I would like Battle Tags displayed so we can see when sockpuppets are evading our ignores.

In my opinion, this would be easy and cheap to implement.

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Don’t you mean, Discourse?


good question.
with how many people announce how many times they unignore, not much lol.

if anything we can make it to where if you ignored someone it completely removes the comment for that person. another change is make the current ignore button readily available. not a lot of people know where it’s at and it should be next to the report button imho.

People can’t contact you unless you accept their Btag friend request.

Just knowing your character name and server gives people a way to send nasty messages through mail.on character.rcreate delete.

People can even just jump in game to whisper you on a throw away character.

Reason why I post with a character I don’t play, my main is else where.

We could just have a post on one character system.


what character i should post on then? bc ppl act like if u dont post on ur “main” ur a troll.
ive stated time and time again this is why i dont post on my main (i guess my classic pally?) and ppl deem me as a troll. at least im honest abt my intentions on this 55dk lol. then again i knew full well ppl were gonna do that to me so eh.

Mornin’ fam. Make account wide ignores, btags as identifiers plz.



I post from my main, and people look at me as a troll.

The fact is, and this is from my own view of point, others may look at it differently, it doesn’t matter what character, or what level the character is, or how much achievement points, it comes down to the person. If the person is going to to be trolling the forums, then yes, people will look at that person as a troll, regardless of which character they post from.

The fact that so many people choose to use low level alts to troll the forums is why so many people look at mostly alts as trolls. But it isn’t the characters that we all post from, it is the person. Because it isn’t my Night Elf Warlock that is posting, or your Blood Elf DK, it is actually us, the people behind the monitors, that is posting.


I’m having this issue with my computer. :frowning:


To me as long as people post on at least a max level character to show some kind creditability that they know what they are talking about, however I don’t like people mocking my playstyle just to aggravate and pick fights with me that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Posting on classic shows no creditability that a person knows anything about retail, same thing about retail characters posting in classic forums.

We’re all aware of level 55 classic dk’s intentions, the T squad showed us that and others as well.


I had this problem a long time ago when I was using Chrome. But since I switched to Opera, I haven’t had this problem since. I dunno whether though it was because of the web browser or because of browser extensions or what not, but I don’t have this problem anymore on my computer.

How ever, I do have a problem with scrolling on my phone to ignore, where it will give me also 4 months, if I am trying to ignore someone while on my phone.

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Good morning and happy Monday! (ugh :laughing:)

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.


On mobile if you’re having this problem I find you can get around it by typing Fore into the drop down for time. Should shorten the list to Forever.


I’m too used to scrolling, I forgot you can just type it in.


im just curious, do you know the process for implementing this?

Nope, I’m guessing.

yeah that makes sense…