Can we get account wide ignore?

yeah that makes sense.

but, so my position, is that i rarely, if ever, use the ignore on the forums, and you don’t use the ignore on the forums, it makes me want to ask the question “well, how many people do actually regularly use the ignore function on the forums?”

and if that number of people would be high enough to warrant an overhaul of the forum system to accomodate a different style of ignore?

what would your thoughts be on that?

With all due respect, you are a toon whom everyone suspects of being an alt of someone who intendes to push everyone’s buttons. If you don’t put people on ignore, then that doesn’t prove anything. If your goal is to troll, ignoring gives you fewer targets.



why would something like that even exist?

good thing we’ve got completely useless options!!


Maybe for like, if someone annoys you during a heated argument or something but you don’t want to full on ignore them? Just like a break from them, idk

When I put someone on ignore, I was on mobile and I couldn’t even scroll down all the way. The highest I could click was 4 months lol


Because free speech protection is to protect people from their government infringing on them .

For an example since I live in the states.

The Bill of rights (1st 10 Amemndments) Are not what give you those rights . What it is, is a notice to the government in the future from when they were writen that these are the rights of the people and they are not to infringe on said rights.

Blizz is not a part of the government nor are any of us so therefor have no obligatory reason to recognize anothers free speech . Blizz and others only choose to allow what we deem acceptable.


I put some people on ignore for a month then let it fall off and if they are still annoying after a month I extend it to perma ignore.


it’s not something i use.

it takes a special kind of “special” for someone to get under my skin :smile:

the most time i’ve spent playing with the ignore/mute stuff, is to help other people figure it out.

Usually I’ll ignore forever (which is 1000 years). So I find it very funny in my head I’m like see you in 3024 if we’re still around I guess


needs to be 1001.


well, to be more accurate, the freedom of speech (and the obligation to allow freedom of speech) applies to governments and also what would be known as a “pseudo government”.

So, it is true that government agencies within the USA are required by law to recognize freedom of speech and purely private companies are not required to recognize freedom of speech.

But, the caveat there is the definition of “pseudo government”.

If a private company is engaging in the activities of a government, then they can be known legally as a “pseudo government.”

this label is usually restricted to larger companies that do things like manage an entire city or village due to the fact that all of their employees live in this city or village.

think of it like a company that has its own housing for its employees and the company engages in activities such as running the lights, fixing the streets, taking housing taxes from the employees living on their “campus”.

I think some of the larger Tech companies have employee campuses on their property that would be large enough to be known as a pseudo government, perhaps like Google in San Francisco or Yahoo in Seattle.

so, if the label of pseudo government can apply to a private company, then they are required to recognize freedom of speech same as any actual governmental entity.

I’ll see you there, buddy. I’ll be waiting with tacos as a peace offering hoping we can finally be frie -

/Furrfist has ignored you for another 1000 years

Well, crap…


Fresh tacos and drinks on Mars


Mars is too hot. We should go to my home planet of Pluto instead.


Oh, everyone here already knows who you are when you’ve already revealed personal stories of your life within the forums when nobody asked for your life story, Lilithia.

I mean, here is the differences between the WoW Forums and Social Media:

The WoW Forums aren’t for you to discuss personal issues of your life. They are for discussion about World of Warcraft, which yes, also includes the WoW Forums.

Jupiter wants to have a word with you.


i think it’s perfectly fine for WoW players to have discussions regarding their personal lives on the WoW forums, it seems to occur quite commonly here.

Sometimes, it is hard to ignore someone when they switch between alts too.


“And then…”



Obvious misinformation doesn’t need to be corrected, though. And if the poster is ignored, you won’t see it, so it won’t trigger your need to correct it. I was the same as you, and I’m much happier now.


Believe it or not, it is unknown to me at this point, on whether I am dealing with a very loud minority that want the account-wide ignore feature, or whether or not there is actually a popular demand at present. But I would assume given most wow players are probably not here, but actually playing the game, I would say though of us on the forums may be a loud minority…but it’s difficult to say.

I do know that Blizzard has responded in different ways to feedback in the past, but I do know this from history…

In the past, back in Mists of Pandaria they went a little overboard with daily quests for example, as I am someone that likes the open world I loved this, but this upset the raiding community that believed they were mandatory. The problem was in WoD, they went too far in the opposite direction, giving us nothing but what I call ‘mob grinds’ in the open world with no story or context. They later fixed this up in Legion, finding the right balance.

So I think that Blizzard will be considering their options carefully on how to proceed next in a way that doesn’t go too far, but is enough to satisfy some people.

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I’d say actually it is the majority that wants account wide ignores or something in terms of an account identifier, but Considering there is only what, 4 regulars of the thread against to 10+ regulars who want, some chose to either no post or just support without engaging in the thread.

But, (yes, there is a but), this is my own speculation, and I could be wrong, but this is just from observing. But I wouldn’t call those who support account wide ignores “very loud”, otherwise, that same comment, can be reversed back towards those against.

Blizzard still does listen to Feedback, but the Feedback all comes down to what the feedback is, and how appropiate is the Feedback. I wouldn’t exactly be putting it the same as Ardmccloud or Moondoggie and saying, “if they haven’t done it by now, means they don’t care or won’t do it.” Like, I don’t even know how many people know this, but things do take a lot of time when trying to work on something, and yes, this also includes, coding for the forums.

This is also confirms on Vrak’s comment last year, “some things are easier said than done,” because, certain things have to be taken into account for, not just by Blizzard, but discourse. Take for example, if people want account wide ignores, there would probably be talks on, “how are we going to do it?” Because the way the forums are designed, is that we’re supposed to be posting from an account, and the way the forums acts is that the character-server is the account, and while this isn’t exactly what Blizzard truly wanted, the important thing they wanted was us to still have the ability to post from our characters for aesthetics.

Things are easily abused, and this is not the intention that was supposed to come by Blizzard.

The only thing that would go too far, is if Blizzard switches to using personal information, such as RealID. Your BattleTag, your Characters, they are not personal information.