Can we get account wide ignore?

No, the point is, you’re trying to bring in unrelated topics, into the forums, let alone, into this thread, that is completely unrelated to forums, or this thread. Hey, you’ve been doing nothing but comparing social media such as Facebook and/or Twitter, to the forums when the forums are not related to social media, nor is social media itself.

Even trying to use Freedom of Speech here on the forums when freedom of speech doesn’t even apply here.


i understood that your message was merely a generalization, it was completely fine.

now I feel old .

17 years old just starting senior year when this came out

I’ve never understood this angle when a company can make it’s own rules and apply them as they want and when they want it’s like your free speech ends at the door when you agree to their terms.


I wasn’t even born yet when the song released, but I hear it on the radio a lot, considering I do listen to mostly the classic rock from the 70’s and 80’s.

I don’t think thery could tell the truth if Wonder Womand had her lasso f truth pulled tight around them

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All I know about Freedom of Speech is that it gives some protection from the government in the US. But I am failing to understand what the forums here have to do with the US Government.


I guess they are trying to act like since it’s a US company the rules somehow apply or whatever and they don’t it’s why Blizzard, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. can remove anything they want to as they want and when they want because again when you agree to their terms you have to follow what rules they apply or decide to apply and they are always updating their terms and rules with new stuff you’ve supposedly already agreed to.


In my brain any platform where I can talk to someone that I don’t know in real life and they can’t talk to me in real life is social media, as it only becomes real life if you know who I am,

If I am anonymous and can say what I want to say (within reason) as it’s on the internet, then it’s social media to me.

The point I made was a general one, that it will be interesting to see where the internet goes in general from this point.

The text of the first amendment is: “Congress shall make no law […] abridging the freedom of speech”.

Blizzard is not Congress, ergo it’s irrelevant here. The relevant part of US law would be section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which explicitly gives private platforms the power to moderate the content they host, and remove stuff that they find objectionable, while also granting them protection for being sued over something a user posted.


i don’t know why but im gonna upvote this


This way we don’t have to be in a pickle.


that makes alot of sense when you say it like that.

i actually have a question for you, Lilithia, if that’s alright.

how often would you say that you use the ignore function on the WoW forums?

Actually I don’t think I ever have used it on the forum, I’ve only ever used it in game, as the forum I don’t take anything personally.

I have however reported comments on the very rare occasion when I feel that someone took the harmless fun of the forum too far

yeah, i actually haven’t used the ignore function on the wow forums, either.

i find most people to be genuinely pretty kind.


I did however use the tool to mute this thread once for a month or two as I was finding it a bit emotionally exhausting, but I had other personal stuff going on in my real life at the time, so I just stuck to more innocent threads for a while.

That break did a lot of good for me I think.

It’s okay, we’re all old here.

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got bored of a troll, put them on ignore, and …

oh look, i can see them posting again today.

can we at least get a functional ignore?


Taco Cats HO


did you choose one of the timed options by accident? :thinking:

You called? :taco: