Can we get account wide ignore?

Saracalia#1520 approves of this message.


go to around 8k posts and see how bad it got. im surprised it didnt get canned then bc it was pretty bad lol. with how many reports we all just got (apparently from both sides) youd think theyd already delete this topic.
not sure why its barriered like this but ok lol.

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My guess is that another thread will just be started. Shrug.

have you read all the posts in this thread?

Good question, I did since the beginning, most of it just circular arguments, there are times that it got heated but not too heated that it gets locked.

I will ask you this question that you didn’t answer, why end something that is not that?

If you wanted it to end this badly then you should just mute this and move on, this thread will die off naturally as it had happen to it multiple times.


Look here, friend.

I like to assume when things in the system of world events unfold, that the outcomes are correctly correlating to the exact causes of my subjective interpretations too.


I must assume when I don’t get struck by lightning on a daily basis, it must mean God is still gonna let me into heaven.

I must assume when I get under cooked chicken at a restaurant and take a big bite and yet don’t get salmonella poisoning that it’s just a science pharma propaganda hoax.

I must assume when the fire truck behind me is flashing his lights and blaring his horn while I drive slowly and cautiously in his path, he wants to inform me what a stellar driver/citizen I am.

I must assume that when my breath is coming in short labored spasms and I have stabbing pains in my chest, it must mean I’m going through another growth spurt in my mid 40s, and my sternum is just adjusting to the increased bone density.

I’ve been right all the other times thus far so prove ME wrong, smarty britches. Check mate.

You can only say check mate if you spend a night in Bangkok…


For fun, I had ChatGPT read your post, give its own interpretation and then write you a reply :slight_smile:

ChatGPT’s response:

Haha, you’ve got a knack for turning everyday situations into wild adventures of interpretation! If you ever need a sidekick for your ‘Assumption Adventures,’ count me in. I’ll bring the popcorn for the next episode of ‘The Salmonella Hoax Chronicles: Undercooked Chicken Strikes Back!’ :popcorn::smile:

For more fun, here’s how it interpreted your reply too:

This post seems to be written in a humorous and sarcastic tone, using exaggerated examples to illustrate the concept of assuming causation based on subjective interpretations. The author is playfully suggesting that they interpret events in a way that supports their own beliefs or desires, regardless of the actual evidence or logic involved.

For example:

  • They humorously suggest that not getting struck by lightning means they’ll go to heaven, which is an extreme and illogical connection.
  • The undercooked chicken example implies a distrust of scientific information and pharmaceutical companies.
  • The fire truck example is about interpreting a potentially dangerous situation (a fire truck behind them) as a positive affirmation of their driving skills.
  • The growth spurt example is a humorous take on aging and health issues.

Overall, the post seems to be poking fun at the idea of making assumptions and drawing conclusions based on personal interpretations, rather than objective reality.


it seems as though it is that.

You can guess what I asked ChatGPT to get this answer:

Using Blizzard’s BattleTag system across all of its forums, including the World of Warcraft (WoW) forums, has several potential advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a breakdown to consider:


  1. Consistency Across Games: If all Blizzard forums use the BattleTag system, players would have a consistent identity across all Blizzard games and community interactions. This can make it easier for players to recognize each other across different Blizzard game forums, fostering a sense of community.

  2. Privacy and Security: BattleTags allow users to interact with others without revealing personal information like their real name or email address. This can enhance privacy and security for users, reducing the risk of harassment or identity theft.

  3. Streamlined Moderation: With a unified system, Blizzard could potentially streamline their moderation processes. It would be easier to manage user behavior across different forums if all posts are linked to the same BattleTag, enabling more efficient enforcement of community standards.

  4. Enhanced Community Features: Integrating BattleTags more deeply into the forums could allow for additional features such as friend lists, direct messaging (aligned with existing Blizzard communication tools), and community achievements, enhancing user engagement.


  1. Loss of Anonymity: While BattleTags do offer a degree of privacy, using a consistent BattleTag across various forums means that players’ actions in one game forum can affect their reputation in another. This might discourage open discussions or criticism that players feel could reflect poorly on them in another game community.

  2. Technical and Operational Challenges: Integrating the BattleTag system deeply across all forums might require significant changes to existing infrastructure, which could be costly and time-consuming for Blizzard.

  3. User Resistance: Some users might prefer having separate identities for different game forums to maintain distinct personas or to separate their professional and personal gaming lives. They might resist the move to a unified system.

  4. Potential for Abuse: If not properly managed, the same features that enhance community engagement could be exploited for harassment, especially if blocking and reporting mechanisms are not robust enough.


Whether Blizzard should use the BattleTag system for the WoW forums depends on their goals for community management and user interaction. If fostering a unified community identity and enhancing cross-game interactions are priorities, then integrating the BattleTag system could be beneficial. However, Blizzard would need to address potential drawbacks such as privacy concerns and user resistance effectively. This might involve developing better tools for user control over privacy settings and ensuring strong moderation and support systems are in place.

Though, I am not sure on disadvantages to this, but it is AI, doesn’t mean everything is facts. Though I think most of it is pretty much spot on, mostly in the advantages.


Woot! ChatGPT understands that correlation does not equal causation. It’s gettin’ smorter by the day.

:eyes: :robot:

What about a plane change at the airport. Close enough?

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Close enough.

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yes this is something that i would suggest is a solid disadvantage.

Something tells me it didn’t take the RealID fiasco into account, which likely heavily influences Blizzards stance on changes like these.


Yeah I was thinking about that myself, even if that was over 10 years ago, that was quite a mess, it sounded good in theory to reduce trolling at the time,

I think though at the heart of it gaming forums will always be somewhat of a toxic place, FF14 manages okay, but at the heart of it, even that wonderful game is about taking down monsters and defeating enemies, so I think you will always get people that play these sorts of games that dream about being soldiers (even for just causes), and because of that…let’s be honest. We are all fighters. It’s called world of warcraft, not peacecraft.

So I think they can try to crack down on things, but they can only go so far I think.

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Daily support for account wide forum stuff.


This has been explained to you serveral times. RealID involves your personal information such as your real name. BattleTags are a public nickname used to identify your BNet account, and doesn’t even involve any personal information.


Perhaps ChatGPT isn’t so bad. :rofl:


yeah but what you want is btags on the forums under our names which no other forum has that, so no.

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Remember how this is asking about account wide ignores?

realID didn’t involve that at all


Well, Every other blizzard forum has your btag as your account identifier, so this is a lie.