Can we get account wide ignore?

Same. I have several though Aliavex is my druid and the one I have been using … For reasons.

WTF is your point with this trolling crap? Are you saying if we don’t post on our main we are trying to hide something? Well your wrong. I am Nadrela on the forums because she used to be my main and is the one that has the highest post numbers and more importantly, all my ignores. But since you think you got some big gotcha … My current main is Aliavex, though I have mained NyraRose and AliaWolf. Also have 70s of Nirawolf who is my auction, AliaPike, ArwensRose and 3 on Horde that are some derivation of MistressAlia. Nightbourne and Vulpera respectively. I am on mobile so can’t see my battle tag thing right now but it’s ArwensRose something.

So whatever your point was … It backfired. I am Nadrela, AliaVex, ArwensRose and I am 100% against anonymous posting and 1000% for battle tags and account wide ignore.

Edit - ArwensRose1247


I think it’s automatic. The replies, I mean. If a flagged post gets deleted, I believe all the replies are automatically taken with it.

This happened to me earlier in another thread.

I really do love this game :pleading_face: I just wish they weren’t so money hungry. They clearly do not care about the product anymore, just squeezing it for as much money as they can. And I’ll never forgive EA for taking my sims 3 packs from me and then telling me I’ll just have to buy them again.

Not all the time. There have been many times a post is deleted, and depending on what was said, quotes in replys remain.

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ok but i wasn’t able to verify that.
so i’m not really sure what to say.

Oh, really? Hmm, interesting. I wish a mod would comment on this because now I’m really curious about how it works lol

Do we get notifications if bliz removed our post?

Usually yes but sometimes you don’t.


I think only if it was our post that was flagged. Then you get a notification that says:


A lot of the times I’ll get the top one without the bottom one.

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Interesting. I’ve had lots of posts removed over the years that were related to actual moderated posts (especially in the CS forums), where I received zero notifications too.

I wonder if it’s a toggle that the mod has to check off to send notifications.

Either way, it’s definitely not for every removed post.


Dunno I noticed it was after the rework a while ago where they gave us the spoiler tag thingy.


Interesting! I wonder if that was something that got changed by Discourse. I’ll have to keep an eye on it! Not that I get a lot of posts removed overall :wink:


The posts that were removed yesterday, I got no notification for. I’ve only gotten notifs for flagged and removed posts which scared me because I thought I was in trouble :rofl:


Yes please on warband ignore.

I get posts removed somewhat regularly. They aren’t actionable, but they are usually removed because they aren’t constructive. Fair enough I suppose.


I’ve gotten flagged post removed, but no notification that the post was hidden, so I suspect if the post is flagged once you get that one if it’s removed.

That makes sense.

I do go off topic alot and mention tacos in every thread…


If the world discussed nothing but tacos, it would be a better place. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes and sometimes it’s weird because I got three earlier for the same removed post, lol.

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I can’t like this but 10000% agree lmao