Can we get account wide ignore?

The “post deleted by author” message is unhidden, and (with how long moderation seems to take here), post gets often seems to get deleted by the system before any action for it gets taken.

What brings this to mind is that on the April Fools patch notes, a very well known poster commented demanding that people get fired over a joke in the post, then deleted it after it had been flagged, and does not appear to have been actioned for it.

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I’m not sure something like that would warrant anything beyond removing the offending post. I know I’ve posted edgy comments, seen them buried, then deleted them after sobering up a bit. The harshest punishment I’ve received in those rare cases is a notification that a moderator removed my (long-since deleted) post.

Wouldn’t happen to be a former CC member would it? If it’s who I’m thinking it was, I’ve never been a fan. And the outrage in general over the April Fools Day jokes was over the top to say the least.

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Deleting a post, then undeleting it, removes the flag. I thought that that that’s what you were referring to. Though I’m pretty sure the post just gets automatically flagged again after a few minutes.

i’ve recently found the motivation to go back and re-ignore a lot of the posters who i previously ignored that, so much time has passed the ignore wore off but they haven’t changed one biut so i gotta send them back to the void. it got a lil tiring so just got bumped up to the forever promotion. i usually only reserve that for the special occasion.

question though. if I switch characters, does my block list disappear? because i’m scared to try. so it’s like, there’s account wide ignore which we don’t have currently so i’d need to add each and every last one of their characters if i want to dissociate from just one person specifically. but then on top of all that, and typing in each user because you know darn tootn they hide their profile so you gotta do it manually. but then it’s per character both ways so if some day i just decide to be a night elf suddenly well then houston we just might have a problem on our hands.

I’m reasonably sure it’s per character. BRB, I’ll go check…

… and back. Yep, it’s per character. So if you want to ignore someone on every character you post on, you have to (wait for it…) ignore them on every character you post on. :frowning_face:

That’s some knavin hobknockin doodoo


Definitely. One more thing to add to the account-wide wishlist.


I had honestly considered switching to an alt at this moment, so I would be heard by the most people, but when I last had a meal I had a epiphany…

But at the end of the day, the only one that needs to hear my suggestion are not my peers, but Blizzard themselves.

How about we have a situation where if you make a new post on the forum OR at the very least if you’ve had a recent suspension, your new forum post has to be submitted to mods for approval? I might not like the fact that this might reduce some of the fun on Sundays, but at the end of the day, that would be a better option that respects people’s privacy and reduces trolling.

And consider the fact that if the person has switched to an alt to bypass ignores, Blizzard will know what the person is up to, especially if there is clear evidence they are targeting someone on a personal level.

Just something to think about.

You have every right to post, however, you do not have the right to be heard or seen. If people place you on ignore, they have every right to do so.


See, this is the problem, you make a statement like this, 3 people click a love heart to your comment, but that was literally the smallest most irrelevant part of that post,

The main point was on my suggestion to just make it that the mods have to approve a thread on the forum.

I don’t see this, was this recent?

Just bear in mind that these responses are being made with a lot of blanks being filled in for you.

You’re better off not responding as this doesn’t give them anything to mis-interpret for conflicts sake - as it is believed that stewing the pot to create it makes their point more valid as without it makes their views look weaker.

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Mornin’ fam. Here’s my daily +1 vote for account wide ignores, Btags as our identifiers.

Time for coffee.


Pineapple Pizza ?

Yes please, but not with coffee.

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Yes it does because with the current set up not only do youy have to block a person by character but each of yours has to repeat the same process

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You won’t, it was months ago, and Vrak nuked the thread.

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Good thing I’m too lazy to switch forum characters. Blocking and reblocking is beyond my capacity of things I want to redo.

This thread really doesn’t provide any new insights as to why it should or should be done.

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Plenty of insights provided by the trolls in previous posts above.

Daily support for account wide forum stuff.