Can we get account wide ignore?

Pizzas become wrong with the application of Pineapple.

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I said provew me wrong but even hobbits agree with me

You and I can’t be friends anymore.

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I mean i cant argue with those, especially breakfast pizza.

Interestingly, I don’t see a mention of edit history

You know what else Hobits agree with .
Yup account wide ignores , post counts , flags, trust levels and likes


You mean to never underestimate people’s vindictiveness, and the inability of some people in the online world-especially wow players-to forgive past wrongs.

All the more reason that anything that could threaten someone’s privacy in my opinion, shouldn’t be a thing.

But Blizzard can afford it.

All I heard from this, was that the forums is NOT real life, therefore that any debate that happens on the forum isn’t personal and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

See in the real world if someone doesn’t like me or appreciate me, that’s just the will of God/the Universe or whatever spiritual force you believe in, the correct people will stand by you and show loyalty no matter what, but in the online world things are a bit more complex,

As the fact is people say things online they wouldn’t say in real life so it’s a safe space to share controversial opinions, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing

Well yes, because in that situation you are inviting things to get personal so it’s more justified.

I’d love this feature on the forum. That’s one thing we can agree on.

That was a very inappropriate and offensive statement. People with disabilities get to post Anonymous on Facebook to prevent themselves from being harassed.

If you get caught being in the wrong, that has nothing to do with privacy.


I swear that one has more issues then time magazine


:joy: :joy: :joy:

Sorry, but love the way it was put.


My man! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

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Actually speaking of Taco’s, guess what I’m having tonight.

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I’m otw to your house, better be ready by the time I get there!


G’Night all!


I’m actually going out for Tacos.

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I’ve seen mods treat it both ways. I think it depends how you’re doing it and how severe you’re being or disruptive.

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This… makes no sense to me. How does deleting a buried post unbury it? As far as I’m aware, the only thing that happens with a deleted post is it is replaced by a placeholder post that says something to the effect of ‘This post was deleted by the author.’

The CS forum agents have said the moderators can see a post’s entire edit history, excepting edits made more or less immediately after the initial post. Common sense tells me that if a moderator is investigating a flagged post and sees nothing particular flag-worthy, but also notices an edit history, he’s going to take a peek at that history to find out what the post used to say.

Okay I just now did the El Risitas laugh like im not even kidding omg

I suppose one thing I might consider doing if they bring in account wide ignore is actually forgetting about the forum and just playing the game…

I heard Blizzard is really thinking things through on how to keep a 20 year old game going for another 20 years.