Can we get account wide ignore?

Hog, not quite fatback, but tasty as.

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I disagree.

Tacos, and then… street tacos, and then… walking tacos, and then… and then… I dunno, maybe a burrito.


Did that troll make a new alt just to circumvent an ignore. What a mess

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Weirdly enough a different person that they started going on some weird tangent and was being insulting a while back so I just up and ignored em.

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Back on the topic of Forum improvements: Can we fix the interaction where you can edit or delete a hidden post to get it un-hidden?


Oh. Is that why I was getting messages of people editing hidden posts that I reported? Didn’t even know that was a thing.

I dunno why this is even such a thing. But I found out that editing the post to unhide it doesn’t remove the flags.

Yeah. If a post gets flagged to the point where it’s hidden, the person who posted it can just delete or edit it, and it’s restored to visibility. The other problem is that the mods don’t seem to look at edit history when reviewing those posts, as people will do that and escape what should be a slam dunk suspension.


Weirdly: it does reset which characters can flag it.

So if you flag something, it gets hidden, then edited, you can then flag it again. The barrier to re-hide the post does seem to be 1 flag, but that it works this way at all is just strange.


I honestly don’t know how any of this works, but although it appears our flags have been removed when they edit a post, the flags will still be there for moderation review.

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On the upside, neither of those things will shield a flagged post from moderation, nor will it protect the poster from punishment.

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Do the mods look at the edit history when moderating?


I don’t think they do

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Oooh. So that explains a lot. Makes sense when getting multiple notifications of a troublemaker editing their flagged posts.

I’m not a moderator, but considering it gives a notification that it was edited and even tries to bring up a ‘edit history’ preview that does nothing for us, I would hope that moderators review why a post is flagged originally rather than what it was modified to.


There might be some Discourse forum software documentation online some where, that might detail admin or moderation backend stuff.

edit: found it!

What we need is for You Tube ,Twitter and Facebook to combine into one big Social Media conglomerate and have all those that want anonymous posting to migrate over to


I wasnt sure where you were going with that until the end, and the name alone sells me.


LMFAO, not gonna lie I’d totally buy into that company just for the name.


We usually do 15 bean soup wit ham shanks :yum:

3 things that are always right
Breakfast for any meal of the day

Prove me wrong :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: