Can we get account wide ignore?

Finding the spicy tacos, I see.


Oh I had em on block from 2 years ago… this is their second toon apparently.

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You didn’t exactly engage with said thread on friendly terms.

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Oh I brought up the question of what to do if that came up in the anon thread in the OP of it purposefully avoided the question.

I was essentially told if I don’t like something don’t look at it which is like “uuuuh…”


thats a little much.


Funny story, I was a developer for a system that had a public discord. When questions were asked about a facet of the system, be it numbers or rulings, I would give a rather prompt answer if I knew the answer and would let another developer answer or bring it to the Dev discussion channels if I wasn’t certain.

Most of my answers were given the rebuttal: I don’t like your answer, so I’m going to wait to get an answer from another dev and that dev would usually just repeat the answer I gave.

A lot of the problematic types ask questions without wanting an actual answer, they normally just want someone else to give them affirmation.


After seeing some of the stuff on the more popular RP servers, I would be in agreement.

Other note, fired up the slow cooker again, I am making Pinto beans and Ham Shanks. Gonna cook it on low over the night.

Easy to make. 1lb of dry pinto beans, 3 smoked ham shanks, 8 cups of water. About 6 heaping tablespoons of Fiesta brand Pinto Bean Seasoning, some garlic powder, and some black pepper, and 2 onions chopped up in to chunks. Throw it all in a slow cooker and set on low, and cook for about 12 hours.


Like, brutal statement

But it is also very true


This is a thing that happens on the forums a lot also. Players get mad that the answer to their “question” isn’t the answer they wanted.


“You’re not telling me what I want to hear so I want to speak to your manager!”

A what now?


Who will tell you the exact same thing I just told you, but go ahead, they don’t pay me enough to deal with your abuse.



Truth hurts? There are quite a few young players that do play this game, anonymous posting would make things easier for those “people” to operate. But, that is not what this thread is about.

It’s about being able to ignore the player, not the posting character.


Because someone suggested something you equal people to that? Yeah, no. That’s sick. It’s a forum, get over yourselves.

They didn’t call anyone that

They’re just stated its a fact that those people would enjoy more anonymous stuff


Ooook so anyway.

Who likes tacos? No and then with tacos!


Mmmmm… Tacos…


It’s a little on the nose.

I can’t help but consider some of our usual posters here. And I dunno who the target audience is, but I think a potential perpetrator is gonna be in for some moderate to severe disappointment.

Not sayin’ we’re old but uh… :eyes:

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ADHD crock pot is the best meal.