Can we get account wide ignore?


least you said who you were so I can put that one on ignore too.


I have many other oldies I could draw upon if I wished to be a true nuisance Fuzz.

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Ard out here making the direct point for account wide ignores. On the other hand, owning it, so kudos.

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Except I said who I was.

Which isn’t typically what happens when you run afoul during discussions.

Lol, I thought everyone knew that was his alt, he even made big fuss about it when someone listed that one and his other alts.


I did not.

pouting fox noises

No and then…

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That’s why I have you kudos and a star kid.


I tire of the conflict honestly. It is growing too nasty.

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It’s tiring because the trolling is subpar and uninspired. There no subtlety in the way kids troll these days, not like the message boards we dialed into back when most of these kids were just an itch in the pants.


that brings up a point, is listing people alts like their armory against rules since if it’s like a call out ?

You do know the person who you’re replying too has done this too many times before on different alts?

Anyways, if everyone will excuse me, I am trying to work out our helping out with information is all of a sudden now, “pretending” to be a forum mod.


I don’t even wanna know /hug hope you get it all situated.

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I honestly don’t get some people at times. I didn’t realize you had to be a forum mod to give out information. But I dunno, this person was being quite rude when they said that when I wasn’t even being rude to them…

In the end, I made my comment towards them and flagged the post.


People believe that if they ask questions, they will be special enough for an actual mod to reply to them. It’s what they want so when others reply to them, especially giving them information they don’t want to hear, they just brush it off.

Don’t let it bother you, Ayu. You tried to help and if they don’t wanna listen, that’s on them. They’ll be waiting a long time to get an answer from an actual mod :dracthyr_shrug:


I mean, CS rarely visits the site bug report forums anyways, and also with that being said, the last time anyone from Blizzard posted in the site bug report forums was in July, 2021, so they’ll be waiting an extremely long time.


While some earlier in this thread have talked badly about Reddit, Twitter, or any other site, I still think they all have their uses. The forums shouldn’t copy reddit’s anonymous posting, which is a disadvantage.

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Don’t get too bent out of shape about that poster, they tried this garbage on the CS Forums and got shut down by the Blues there. It was not a pretty sight, it was a rare time the Blues got really annoyed with a poster. They have a caustic personality and it shows.

They are a good example of needing an account wide ignore as they have a habit of jumping around to avoid being ignored.


Oh, so they are known for this type of behaviour… Interesting :thinking:

Probably be better for me then to just report and not engage.


looks at post history to see who you’ve been chatting too

Oh… oh no…

Yes do that. If you value your sanity, do that.


They lied and said I was threatening them in game. They’re the only person I’ve ignored on this site for that very reason.

If they’re willing to make up that serious of an accusation, there’s no limit to what they’re willing to say and do to get their way.