Can we get account wide ignore?

It doesn’t matter if it is towards an individual or a group of individuals, in fact, doing so to get around multiple people ignoring you is harassing multiple people instead of being targeted at only one. Fresh slates are not given by the offender but the offended. When the offender says they deserve a fresh slate (disregarding how the offended feel) that is harassment, and the offended are free to give an individual a fresh slate whenever they wish by removing the ignore or by setting it to be timed rather than permanent.

Acceptance is not always guaranteed, as that is a simple fact of life. Proving that you have changed for the better always remains upon the individual and the willingness to accept that someone has changed lies with the other, however using deception to try and convince someone you are someone else entirely (rather than someone who has learned from the past and changed) is the wrong way to approach a situation.

As stated above, if they implement account-wide ignore, at most is that you’d get more than one account ignored if the behavior remains constant in opposition to what people wish to deal with and making more accounts to get around ignores would be harassment.

This line in particular troubles me because I have recently had to deal with a person who shown many of the warning signs of being a sociopathic narcissist in the real world that caused a great deal of damage to an RP community that wasn’t on WoW, when enough evidence was compiled to have them permanently evicted they would simply go to another with that veil of (mostly) no one knowing what they did to a new location only to repeat the cycle of manipulation and abuse. They managed to damage three different communities I was a part of (two of which I managed to get them removed, the third I gave up on as it was causing undue stress) and to this day I still get messages from people I know in other communities trying to get me to help deal with that problematic person in yet another community. That cycle has been going for three years and hasn’t stopped.

So, forgive me if I find it very difficult to find such behavior to be anything but malicious.


we tried to have another topic similar to this but you all came storming in and got it shut down so… this obviously is where blizz wants all things forum related in here. don’t go to other topics trying to get it shut down and maybe we’d leave lol.

no btags pls - more moderations yes

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I support both. I saw the infamous Blizzard CS Agent PJ on Twitter pearl clutch about the use of profanity, while saying “Just report them” when someone complained about irl threats. This company has its priorities wrong.

No. They are saying that if you have a problem with someone breaking the rules or saying something offensive you should just report it and be done with it.

But the flip side of that, is if someone has a history of being bullied by the mob and accused of stuff they didn’t do, or even when the bad stuff they may have done is exaggerated and blown out of proportion (I’ve noticed lots of wow players do this) then I think I’ll choose privacy thanks.

I guess for me, it would be a different case if someone knew my real life name or whatever, that’s when I would see it as harassment as you do, but if nobody ever knew too much about me, only the anonymous alt on the forum, nothing has become personal,

If I may make a suggestion though? Because this is my logic, account wide ignores would be justified IF it was an option to send someone a private email directly on the forum, like a separate inbox for forum goers to talk to each other privately, that’s a feature of many other websites.

As in that case, things would be much more personal.

Sorry to hear that, but real life isn’t the same as WoW, I don’t stalk people in the real world, in fact my response to rejection in the real world is to usually reject someone back.

They did exactly what I said they did.


It can coincide with the other Warband systems.

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Unlikely we will forget you, you have a unique messages and style of posting.


A mega thread will not provide this, it can be shutdown for trolling like any other thread. The other post that was shutdown was related to this one but was about a different topic.

People simply do not forget simple things. In fact, was talking to someone from an old guild not long ago, and they remembered the time I bragged on the forums about killing an Alliance player over and over. The community didn’t take kind to this, and the fact that someone remembered what I did from almost a decade go goes to show never under-estimate people.


His thread that he originally created was more actually about this thread, and in an attempt to get it closed by making a thread about it.

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I was talking about the Anonymous thread. I don’t want Anonymous posting, but it’s a fair topic to bring up.

Ah. My bad.

Anyways, nightly support for account wide ignores, I’m going to look at heading to bed. I’ll dream of account wide ignores.


More moderation would cost significantly more than adding account wide ignores

So, I’ll stick to my request of account wide ignores


proof? doesnt blizz need to play discourse for anything and do you know how much the mods get paid for this, yet, another assumption from you sir? lol dont forget the forums need to be rehauled. its not going to be able to work w/ current im sure they aint doing charity work.


I mean it would definitely cost more. They were understaffed even before the Microsoft layoffs.


i mean you dont have to buy more mods, just have better current moderation lol
thought i want to ask vrak about reports. i dont get why some reports just dont get taken as seriously as others all bc they get flagged and i mean actual BAD posts that only i report apparently lol.


that is a very good suggestion.

This is what he means by “costs, I’m pretty sure.” How could they make it better without hiring more people? If by “better,” you mean “taking every single report seriously,” then idk how they’d even have the manpower for that. In before someone tells me they already do this when they obviously don’t.

Simple, they don’t take every single flag seriously like some have claimed.

They still don’t get the fact that when ever they change toons they keep still say the toxic drivel that they say on Lil.

Them changing toons to convince people they are someone else is pretty much just putting lipstick on a pig


Alright now we’re pretending doing a 1 time change will somehow be more expensive than hiring more people to do moderation forever

Yep, this sure does make sense

Edit: Or the alternative where every report is taking super seriously and they read the entire thread Everytime to see why the report happens or look up other posts to see if the claims are true

So yea, can’t wait for every report to take a month to do lol

Need to ask about your suspension? Well it’ll be expired long before they finish checking it out