Can we get account wide ignore?

I mean that’s just Blizzards job to determine.

Not yours.

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I know right? I absolutely adore that page.


Finnegan is pretty neat. :slight_smile: I’d be for more domesticated foxes in our cities to manage the feral cat populations. It’ll never happen, but one can dream.


My heart and thoughts are with you. While I can never know exactly or even remotely what you are going through, I have some experience with hospice for my father. If you have any questions or just need to vent, feel free to message.

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This got 404’d, I’m assuming? Was looking forward to a good chuckle when I got home from work, but I can’t find it anywhere.

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We like you too now the other fox here

the thread is on the website bug report as CS suggested.

Your first useful post! Congrats!

just wanted to make sure you got to see blue posts comment on it

i am looking forward to that :slight_smile:

Make sure you hold your breath while you wait. Maybe also scroll down that page and see how many blue posts you find.

i am a patient person, don’t you worry about that.

Yeah, someone didn’t bother reading the thread and thought it was a forum suggestion thread, which then convinced Ard to move the thread to the forum bug report forums.

The thread was an attempt at trying to get this thread shut down. And don’t get baited by Doobly. CS Staff didn’t comment on the thread.


oh maybe we should tell ard to move it back to CS then, is that what you think is best?

maybe you should move the thread back to CS, perhaps it doesnt belong in the website bug report

Considering some of the responses I got it may not be a very wise idea.

Someone on their team will skim it where I shifted it and it does technically fall under feedback for the forum.

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Considering how controversial any topic about forum changes becomes its a warranted question when polarization allows no other discussion than the one in this topic.

Which has arguably lost its substance due to how old it is.

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that’s probably a good decision, you’re right, someone will look over it in that forum section.

I think the ‘move the thread’ suggestion was likely someone suggesting to move this thread to a different forum, not the complaint thread.

Still, a thread existing to complain about another thread is silly, as another one of the responses was as what most people suggest of “Report and move on.”

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yeah that’s what im thinking too… like people have been making constant threads about btags for over 18 months now but there hasn’t been any changes that suggest btags are going to be added.

It isn’t actually what the thread is about, its asking that something like a mega thread be made where multiple ideas could be discussed fairly, rather than just shutting down any other alternative for forum improvements instead of…whatever this thread has become.

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Hi I’m back for a bit. Apologize in advance for anything I say that may offend, I’m just scrolling through 100+ posts and responding before I take off again.

This is common practice on a lot of chat rooms though, seen it happen all the time that people make new accounts.

Mixed feelings towards you Stormfury, I find that the fact that you researched me outside of the forums confronting, but you’re also the person that I think said would miss some things about me, not sure if it was you. Nonetheless, I do hope your dad gets better.

This I could get on board with, I’m glad that Facebook has that feature in many groups.

The problem is, I have found many people, especially of the older generation believes it’s that anonymous nature of the internet that makes people bolder to say inappropriate things, but in my opinion being able to speak things anonymously is definitely not the only factor in degenerate behavior.

There are few places on the internet these days where you could say something hateful, racist, or sexist and last for long these days though, besides Fox News in US, there’s not places you can go where you can get away with being a bigot…and internet culture leans more towards left-wing policy than right-wing, due to the nature of the internet allowing everyone from the world regardless of race/gender etc to talk to each other…

Perhaps if more people got banned for saying offensive racist and sexist things they would think twice before saying it in the real world anyway.

Think of it this way, I know in my experience, I’ve had many professional situations where I might have hurt a colleagues feelings, but the bright side is that I learn from that experience and I think much more carefully for personal friendships/relationships etc due to having those experiences.

That strategy isn’t going to work though; if Blizzard didn’t want the debate they would keep locking the threads. They are okay with this discussion. However, I won’t comment on deleted threads that you guys talked about for a little bit…

I hope not, as I’ve said before, it was so refreshing when I first started posting regularly on Lilithia on this forum, which is Forum 2.0 to me, that I didn’t have people automatically knowing who my alts were etc, but I’ve gone to great lengths to keep my other alts private as possible. I don’t want the ghosts of pasts to continue to haunt me…

Some people from my past I didn’t part with on the best of terms, not just in real life, but from WoW as well, and don’t want that bleeding into my future, would sooner leave the past dead in the past. Would sooner be able to make new friends without the past in the way.

To me, that would only count as harassment if I was using it to talk to a specific individual, rather than to make a fresh start. People online do it all the time.

I mean, I was once told a long time ago that not everyone in life is going to appreciate or accept you, and to a large degree that’s true, but on a game like wow, the risks of reputation damage and people judging you on things that happened years ago outweigh that truth in my experience.

I’ve been pretty honest about my intentions if I can’t get away with an anonymous Classic alt, I will just get a new account to talk on the forum eventually, maybe a month or two after you’ve all forgotten me. Unless it’s specifically stated by Blizzard themselves that this is somehow against the rules, that’s what I plan to do if account wide ignore etc ever becomes a thing.

Though honestly it might not be worth the extra cost, who knows, will just make those decisions if/when things happen.

There’s nothing more fulfilling in my experience than meeting a whole bunch of people in life that know nothing about you or your past.