Can we get account wide ignore?

Admittedly why I’ve stepped back as well, for the most part.

There are especially a lot of forum regulars who have a tendency to spark up arguments with other people over quite minor things, and refuse to let it go for the entire duration of a thread - effectively derailing the whole thing.

The troll problem, as well, remains quite out of hand. Sundays are a day I just actively avoid the forums, because while some of them are obvious and can be a little humorous in a “reading the morning paper” kind of way, other troll threads can come off as genuine - and are often downright vile, especially towards marginalized groups. Most get cleaned up on Monday, sure, but the fact this has been a consistent issue for years does not really spark comfort in partaking of the forums that day - or any day, really.

-Ran out of time to finish my thoughts before work, so just adding again that I would like to see an account-wide ignore and some better forum moderation overall. Might come back to finish my thoughts, might not.


Oof XD

My Loomis just walks back and forth between my desk and my lap, either wanting all of my attention… or me getting up so he can have my chair XD

I’ve considered getting a second one for him to sit in nearby.


the one i use when highlighting text to reed on a post i will sometimes highlight the hart too by mistake and that will cause it when reading back to be to activate the like the post i don’t always see it every time when that happens

did i like it no not realy did it get liked yeah
i hope folks can understand now


meh not rly, considering someone already admitted to alt hopping to flag ppl bc his main ran out. i recognize the dracthyr liking me a few times but mostly only in this topic afaik so prolly a lurker on this topic alone lol.

check ard’s comment in which he quoted the guy youll see what he said.
the only reason nori is in the crossfire bc her first post

instead of just saying sorry and saying it was an accident or something it was this lol.
no way to backpeddle that but its funny the OP isnt getting attacked and he liked it too but hes smart and not replying so he doesnt get jumped on until the fire dies lel.

sips coffee


Daily support for account wide forum stuff.

No foolin! :smile:


Didn’t realize that. But, someone sent it to me just before I left the house earlier, and, yeah, it’s an awful, venomous post.

I don’t know Nori’s intentions by what was exactly meant by that post. I like to believe Nori didn’t mean to like it and that’s what was trying to be expressed. Again though, I can speak for Nori. With my post I was just wanting to share that sometimes there accidental clicks. I know some some of the folks here can attest to me apologizing and explaining things even if I haven’t actually done anything they perceive as wrong. I apologize profusely and constantly; I worry and panic; sometimes I actually do work; and I try to share love and kindness that overflow out of my heart: that’s the daily routine of Pharazon. Maybe Nori feels the need to apologize and explains things too. I don’t know.

Can’t comment on OPs like at all, yeah.

Again, no one whatsoever with a shred of empathy and humanity should have liked that post. I absolutely feel that. It hurts me to my core when people can’t be kind or lack respect and empathy.

I’m at work in person today, so I don’t want to dwell too much on the negativity and lack of kindness here on the forums too much. I’m honestly teary-eyed, and I try not to cry while I’m actually at the office. I’ll try to check back later on during lunch or when at home.

Also, I will say I don’t like that there’s a time limit on taking back likes. I don’t know what it is here, but it seems the discourse default for post undo action window mins is 10 minutes. There are posts that I’ve liked by individuals who turned out to be hateful bad people, and it would have been nice to have been able to un-:blue_heart: their posts I hearted.


Or alt hop and show further proof of why we need account wide ignores.


Well when you don’t look at the forums for a bit you miss something, scrolling up through messages and see me mentioned was like what’s this

And then I saw why

Oh gods I didn’t even know I had liked anything, I was just scrolling forums on bed on my phone, that’s a horrible message towards someone who just lost someone and I am legitimately sorry for that, I tried to unlike but guess you can’t do that once something is flagged


Am I allowed to admit that I was the one that flagged the offensive post (very rare for me to do that as I hate getting posts flagged myself), but I do note that the author deleted their low blow comment anyway.

But for what it’s worth, the past few posts I’ve seen that even those of us on the opposite side of the argument of what this thread is about seemed to unify when that person said what they did, which is good and inspiring to see and gives me hope for humanity.

It does let you unlike, but only for a relatively short time after you like the post (not sure exactly how long, but I think it’s measured in minutes)

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No yea reporting that was 100% the right thing to do

I gotta not forum scroll in bed cuz Im clearly not paying enough attention

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this is why i wanted folks to just take pause and think about that may have happened

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I don’t blame people for being mad at that, it’s a pretty reasonable thing to think it’s pretty messed up

I also gotta take ownership for my (to put nicely) massive goof up

I’m pretty open about everything on here so hopefully people realize it’s kind of out of character for me to like a post intentionally that’s making fun of someone’s loss


I’m sure mods have rules and protocols they need to follow and what would qualify as a ban. Not just forum behavior, but based on how many vacations a person gets in a certain amount of time.

However, switching characters in a discussion to invade ignores should qualify as vacation time for harassment and trolling for continuously bypassing peoples ignores to insight to get the thread locked, because they refuse to mute the thread.

If it’s not a play around thread like the waggle thread then it’s not ok to switch characters.

If we had account wide ignores and didn’t have to play whack an alt then the baiting, trolling, egging on and other toxic behavior can slow down.

Some people didn’t help their case by switching characters, at least whacking an account would be much easier than alt army and it’s $15 a account with 0 refund. I hope Blizzards next step would be requiring expansion purchase to post here.

This will make a mods job much easier then having them to try to play match characters when a complaint has been filed against people evading ignores by alt hopping.

All the other Blizzard forums has a account wide functionality, this forum needs to be modernized to have this capability too.


If you had the forums up on a tablet and the cat hit the like button while you were elsewhere, there’s a decent chance you can no longer un-like it when you get back (as the ability to un-like is time limited, and that time is measure in minutes).


I think Malg said they were just flat out not paying attention, apologized, and said they would do better in the future.

TTS can absolutely be stupid and I’ve had flagged posts for whatever reason that I’ve accidently liked just flat out not let me unlike it. It’s dumb.

But hey, let’s just move forward and hope that everything with Ard goes well. :heart:


I checked it here below with Fuzz’s post, and it seems like it is 10 minutes. Or less, but I checked after 10 minutes.

Anyway, on topic, we could certainly use some account-level ignores at the least around here.


I was pretty sure it was single digit minutes.


Anyway back on topic.


I sometimes don’t even pay attention to what I’m liking like if it’s from a someone I really like or would call a friend or a best friend I just instant like so I might like some things that at times I maybe shouldn’t but it’s meh to me if people do and apologize due to the mistake.

Regardless the topic at hand is still account wide ignores and account wide options for everything on the forums which is something I want and support highly so account wide options in all aspects Blizzard.