Can we get account wide ignore?

a like that i explained that was not intended? that i accidently clicked trying to scroll down with my mouse? and now somehow this is all about me

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I will like a post for its overall message, and still flag it for the inappropriate language used to convey it. And I have just liked one of Ard’s posts because in this instance he’s right; it was a low blow.

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I mean, it’s a simple fix unless you simply don’t want to. :man_shrugging:

you cant take likes back after a time

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Now that I’m home and not trying to proofread auto-correct on public transportation…

Not for nothing, but clicking the heart a second time removes the like.
Edit - (I went back and) Read the rest of the paragraph. Didn’t realize the ability to retract a heart was time-sensitive.

I don’t think it was Ard’s mom that passed, but another family member. Ard said he was taking some time to support his mom in this difficult time. Still absolutely uncalled for, nonetheless.

Okay, it was a simple fix. Still, I think you should have looked at the circumstances to avoid this drama at all.

i allso have a text to speech app some times when reading thing i will allso activate that like

i’m sorry guys i know that must make me a bad person


Wow, what a disgusting comment! Anyway, I support account-wide ignore once-again. People have switched alts when I ignored them and I didn’t know who they were.


Hmmm, not always. It is human nature to criticize. It is basically more or less saying, “this is my opinion on the negatives about this product, movie or person.” World of Warcraft does get a ton of criticism, and rightfully so. Because people are angry with their experience towards the game, or within the game. Even some of the best games out there get criticism as well, and just like with WoW, rightfully so, for the same reasons, experience towards or within.


I’m just going to post this here for you, and everyone else to see in the future:

Just because you support account wide ignores, or have a disagreement with someone, or just want to hang out with people, does not make you inmune to the Forum Code of Conduct. We all have a responsibility here to be respectful towards everyone, even if we dislike a person. By posting comments like that, you’re just being extremely toxic, and making things worse.


this one isn’t surprising as he hates ard for no reason other than this stupid acc wide crap. some ppl other than the lock need to be banned tbh it gets really bad here but that comment was really bad


I missed Sne’s post, which is a good thing, I don’t like Ard, but from what I read, what Sne did was over the line. But then again, Sne does run his mouth to be edgy. I hope he gets what he deserves.

Yes, for account wide ignores.


I don’t think everyone needs to be banned over one persons actions tbh. But as I said, we all have our responsibilities to be respectful towards each other, even if we dislike each other or disagree over something.


If it was unintentional, you could just say sorry and move on.


Also, aren’t it ironic how 2 of the likes to your post are the same person?


That is rather… strange.


I don’t post in here often because even though I support account-wide forum functionality snd bnet tags+character on the forums, others are more capable than I to promote that. There’s just a lot more conflict here than I like to read, so I only occassionaly visit.

I have no idea what the bad comment earlier was since snefnug seems to have deleted the text. It seems to have been a vile, hateful comment. And, if so, yeah, no one should have liked it. That I definitely agree on. Be kind, be respectful: that’s all I ask of people.

But, I do want to address the issue of accidental likes. We can’ know if Nori clicked like on that post on accident or not: none of us are there watching Nori’s browser screen. But, Nori seems to be saying he made a mistake, and of course you can’t take back likes after they lock in after so long. Locking-in likes is such a rediculous feature, period. Anyway, so, there’s no way to remove the like if Nori wanted to.

Personally, I’ve tons of posts and even topics I didn’t mean to like. Some of you know I have a tremor and other precison issues with my hands. I very rarely surf the forums on mobile because of it. I either hold my phone with my left hand and scroll 1-handed or use both hands to hold it steadier and alternate which thumb to scroll with because that can help a little. BUT, if I am surfing on here on mobile, I almost invariably will accidently end up liking one or multiple posts that I never meant to like. Because I lnow it’s a problem for me, I’m pretty vigilant about it. If I notice, I’ll quickly un-like the post. However, I’m sure I’ve completely misses some I don’t realize I accidentely tapped. Also, for whatever reason, with mobile Firefox I can get very slight delays between when I tap the heart off and when it responds, so I’ll end up liking, unliking, and then liking again when I didn’t mean to do so. Plus, I do accisently double tap anyways because, again, I just simply have fine-motor-control problems. I don’t have near as many accidental like problems on desktop beacause I scroll with the mouse wheel, but I have accidentely clicked some over the years. I do have issues with double- or even triple-clicking on hearts that I did mean to click on. My biggest issue on PC is accidently closing tabs instead of clicking on a tab because, well, a mild tremor just doesn’t go very well clicking where you want sometimes.

And, if you’ve ever used any of the TTS services along with web browsers, you know that Narrator, Jaws, Siri are all imperfect with navigation. I don’t use any text-to-speech service myself, but I’ve helped a friend who has to rely on them plenty of times. Sometimes tab stops happen where you might have not been careful enough and you end up activating on the wrong button or check box or field if you are using keyboard navigation or voice commands along with TTS. I don’t know if that happened here, but not completely impossible.

Again, I’m not defending the post or anyone that liked it purposefully. But I’d like to think Nori was honest with it being a mistake that he couldn’t fix because it was too late to take back the heart. I can’t speak to any truth of the matter, so I don’t know. Bur, what I can say is that as someone where accidentally liking IS a serious issue, mainly on mobile, I just hope I’m not judged so harshly if I tap or triple-tap a heart on something by mistake when just trying to scroll down/up on a thread because my body hates me, but I didn’t even notice.


I liked a post one time and it got flagged and for some reason or another (I forgot what the reason was)… it wouldn’t let me unlike.


My thing is the stupid cats sometimes get in the way >.<

Btw anyone want a cat? XD


Ah that sucks, I was unaware of that.

Scrolling through the forums I’ve put people who post horrible stuff on ignore, and people who like the post. That’s unfortunate if the like was accidental and they’re not able to remove it after a certain time >_<

Kitty just wants your attention :3


Oh they all do. It’s hilarious cause I’ll have Nugget and Harley fighting over who gets to sit on the lap and Cutie like, “I’m going to scratch the screen cause… I want attention” >.<