Can we get account wide ignore?

If you keep bringing it up then don’t be surprised that Lilith comes back.

Same goes for me too, these arguments aren’t one sided.

Don’t get me wrong, I do think governments around the world are proposing positive steps to stop bullying on social media, such as banning kids from glorifying violence, making that a crime, banning kids from having phones in schools and whatnot,

But as far as the adult population is concerned, while most of us never grow up, I believe the element of privacy does encourage robust debate, which is always a good thing.

For instance, people have been hating on how wow has gone downhill for years, sometimes listening to that was exhausting, but look at the bright side we’ve got Christ Metzen back now as a result of all that outrage.

Nothing to do with anything here, as usual.


you cant just not reply to her?


So funny how you or anyone else can say that and even with out ever seeing replies from that person anymore I automatically know it makes sense.


Bleh… bleh bleh! (this is fuzz I didn’t feel like switching)

I’ve come to support account wide ignore… bleh… bleh bleh!

(bad vampire puns)


Like this?


lol indeed!

I wish I could swap between this form and my humanoid form but I digress…

turns into a puff of smoke and flys away


That was a low blow.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life no matter how much people criticize you for, sooner or later their hypocrisy will come to light sooner or later, I have formed the view that people only criticize in others what they don’t like in themselves


I know conversations can get heated here but there are some lines that you don’t cross.

Even if you perceive yourself to be the receiver of such things that doesn’t mean you get to cross it back with impunity.


Some of you’ll need some boundaries. I get internet arguments/drama, but getting personal and nasty like that is weird, inappropriate, and very unnecessary.


That was uncalled for. I hope you get a nice long forum vacation for that one. And step on a lego.


Not only that… Norinila and Malgorok actually LIKING that post??


people can like post for many reasons may not always be the sinister take you mite assuming

i accidentally liked an ard post a while back too btw did not agree with that one

I would love this idea and it has been proposed before. If they were to attach the Battle Tag to character ignores it would do exactly what you are asking for. It would also attach Battle Tag to the forums and that would greatly aid in tracking and ignoring trolls there as well.


There is absolutely NO legitimate reason to like a post such as that. None whatsoever. That was an extremely personal attack against someone’s mother dying.

“I accidentally liked it” doesn’t fly. If you accidentally like a post, you immediately unlike it. You don’t wait for a while until you can’t unlike it and then decide you didn’t mean to.

No excuse. Not even going to listen to any backpedaling on that one.



what you never click on a like not realising it tell later? alike scrolling on an app some times that like gets activated

allso i’ve been attacked in the same kinda manner

receiving popcorn emojis on the anniversary of my father

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You’re not even in the know of my personal circumstances.

What could you possibly say that could positively validate that?

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