Can we get account wide ignore?

Happy Birthday. :slight_smile: :+1:

I wish i can come over and make a cake, but my cakes always crappy looking (Can’t frost to save my life) and has espresso somewhere in the mix because i’m a coffee addict to a point where i’ve bought some cheese with a bit of coffee on there. :confused:


Coffee cake? :smiley:


…Actually yes. Both in literal flavor and in literal interpretation of it.

I made a Carmel Latte Frosted Coffee Cake for my Birthday and it was great. :yum:

Still couldn’t frost tho. :tired_face:

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Thats ok. Make drizzle instead :smiley:

Heat up the frosting and pour over in thin strips. Makes drizzle :smiley:

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Neat, thanks. :slight_smile: :+1:

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Yw :smiley:

Have fun baking! :heart:

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I am actually on board with this.

I wouldn’t mind all my previous history and memory of me erased, sometimes that needs to happen.

Bad news, blizzard hasn’t figured out to make their mind erasing beam work yet

Well that’s okay, I know if anyone posts anything too offensive or bad it will be removed so hopefully I’m good and people that ever read me on this forum and put two and tow together and figure out who I am will think you are all lying about me,

But it’s my opinion we should’t keep bringing up people’s past sins there’s a time when the past should be left in the past, we all make mistakes and we all learn and grow…that’s my opinion.

You can’t erase the past. The community will always remember. One thing though that can help is just change your own behaviour. Chillax on the forums, hang out with everyone, ignore the toxicity, and engage positively with the community. Because then only with doing that, people will look at a different side of you, and will be like, hey, this person is quite fun, I wish I knew this side of the person before hand.


So you’re hope is people just don’t ever learn who you are, interesting take

Stuff is left eventually after the person shows some kind of sympathy or tries to make up for the wrong they’ve done

You have done neither and just want people to forget the terrible things you’ve said/done and continue to do

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they just can’t stop trolling and being nasty starting fake gossip for fun that kinda thing. the best they can do is separate into different identities to avoid accountability and they get really mad whenever they are held to the SLIGHTEST account


Private forum. You have to have a paid subscription to post on the general discussion forums.

Of course you would. It would make it easier for you to deny it ever happened when people can’t link proof that it has happened.


They’re like narcisitic bullies that as soon as their victims have finally had enough and fight back , they scream that they are the real victims.

Nah that’s called kharma

If she would just stop showing up like a bad case of chirpees all the time I bet we’d all forget her


bingo :100:


Happy birthday!

omg your Nightborne looks so good!


It wouldn’t get brought up if you didn’t insist upon inserting yourself here, with a history that practically makes our argument for us.


Out of sight, out of mind. Nobody is going to be able to forget you if you won’t go away. You claim you want to be forgotten, don’t do anything to make it happen. It’s like telling everyone you want to lose weight as you shovel cake into your mouth.


If anything, she acts like she wants us thinking about her all the time.