Can we get account wide ignore?

Btag names can always be changed.


You can be smart about online privacy and then there’s taking things a little too far.

Again, if you feel like your friends, which btw if they already know your btag / char names they can already (with or without account wide btag) come onto the forum and do what they chose to do… YOU provided that information to them.

Again if you have friends that are that toxic that if a falling out were to happen, best to go ahead and say bye to them now before it gets to that point. I know I wouldn’t keep “friends” around that would do that.

Resource on how to handle actual Doxxing.

That too. Oh speaking of I better broadcast mine again for good measure.



What do you mean recently? They never were. lol

I need to change mine, it did look stupid with those numbers in it when I took a peek in the Plunderstorm screen out of curiosity what they did for character names.


Oh I’ve had mine for ages and I’m afraid if I change it I won’t be able to get Dragula again xD haha


I just want to take the numbers out, I’ll have the same name just no numbers at the end and a different #numbers at the end.


Ah got you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I like my numbers as they are… if I change it I’ll forget DX

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I think I’m confusing you, instead of sallysue123#4321 I just want sallysue#4321 for example.

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Oooh I got ya.

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Lol, I’m so opposite from this because I need my numbers on all my usernames I don’t care about the end number or whatever but in the actual names they are legit essential to them and me being well me. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


Oh wow, this is like a telenovelas, a story within a story that has another story. Oh how did I miss this.

That’s not your view at all

Your view is it’ll lead to you being doxxed and hunted down by friends cuz you bad mouth and backstab everyone you know, apparently


Sounds like you have a biased opinion, probably based on being angry that someone disagrees with your opinions. Disagreements are okay.

Im just repeating stuff they’ve said, so not really anything to do with what you tried to say


Can you link any of those blue posts?


Condolences, Ard.

No they don’t. Knowing your pixels have no consequences what so ever unless you’re dumb enough to attach your real life information to it.

The only people who knows me irl is my best friends. And as far i can tell, the people on forums who know me only by my pixels or Twitter (Neither has my IRL info) are acquaintances at best.

That’s not the problem of Btags. That’s kind of your guys problem…

Welcome to the internet.

Do tell Doobly.

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Yes, that’s Doobly btw, the same person who said “Oh being for death threats or wishing harm isn’t a simple question!” to somebody telling me to delete my save file. Couldn’t even write a quick “yes” to it.

I shall call you… Isoceles.

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Teufelgott #1764

Show me how un-anonymous it is. Discover literally anything about me and send me a Btag message.