Can we get account wide ignore?

I never muted a thread to be honest and don’t particularly want to. It stifles real debate, some of you out there are almost capable of it. Besides, I am only in this one today, I need to get back to doing useful things with my time and was winding down my forums. I wish I had the amount of free time you guys have, but if I did I wouldn’t waste it here anymore. Just say no to brain rot, kids, which is basically anything with Blizzard’s name on it.

I can see Perl’s image okay. Maybe it’s an issue with an ad-blocker or similar…?

Your battletag is not private information, nor is it personally-identifiable information (PII). Nobody can use it to ‘find out who you are’.


They don’t want to find out who you are; they don’t need to. They just want you to go away.


And what exactly is this alleged dark side? Or are you another Chicken Little imagining the end of the forums as we know them?

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I can be your angle or yor devel

I was on mobile and it wasn’t showing ok

I would say that making calls to get a specific thread because you disagreed with locked/deleted when there is nothing wrong with the thread in question also does stifle real debate and discussion.


More along the lines if someone puts you on ignore… they don’t have to keep going “and then” to ignore you again

If someone don’t want to talk to you they should be able to block / ignore you, like they do in game.

In game if I ignored you, I wouldn’t be able to see anything any of your toons post. Does that mean I know it’s you? No cause I don’t even know you’re talking.

Not that I’m putting anyone on ignore I’m just explaining… you know what I mean?


Imagine calling any of these threads “real debate” lol.

I’ll have you know I’m a master debater


You are asking out of bad faith intentions but I want to answer this for anyone else. bnet’s are not as anonymous as you think. As other’s have mentioned in the past, blizzard would need to either nuke the forum history and/or give everyone a free name change before switching over to bnet tags.

For a split second I read that as something very different lol.



Mine is Dragula#1137 and there’s nothing wrong with Dragula…

Oh no don’t tell me you put your battle tag as your real name?


My battle tag is the same name as my character name.

I still dont get why people are still wrapped up over what is essentially a Steam username but numbers next to it and still think its private when Plunderstorm uses your btag name.


I broadcast mine. It’s my Main’s name without being backwards lol

My main’s name is Alugard XD

Like if someone can yank my personal info off that battle tag I would be impressed. Come visit.


If they put others on ignore they should probably stop talking about them as well. Kind of hypocritical but you know, w/e. It’s not like I don’t get the original ask, but there are two sides to the argument. So this thread continues, and derails, until somebody else comes in and points it out.

SO you’re afraid that if someone put you on ignore that they still talk bad about you after the fact?

Put them on ignore back… it’s obvious they don’t want to talk to you why do you NEED to talk to them and or see what they say?

Forget em.


Doesn’t seem to be an issue on any of Blizzard’s other forums, all of which use battletags as an account identifier.


So if that person genually feels that someone is stalking them due to their name or w/e, I think ya get one free name change. Better yet, if someone is actively threatening a person… contact a GM right away and get it handled that way.

They can go that route otherwise the other forums do use account wide battle tag. My thing is more so the account wide ignore.

If I don’t want to talk to someone I don’t want to talk to em. I don’t want to have to ignore their 100 gazillion alts because they don’t know how to shut their pie hole.