Can we get account wide ignore?

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Seriously, mute the thread if you don’t want to see the thread. You by have no right to tell moderation in what to do, or order them around, or to derail a thread to try and get it locked.

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
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If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Seriously, if you don’t want to see the thread, you can just mute it. It is an option. Stop trying to derail the thread with the intent to get it locked and deleted. Because that is seriously trolling, and get you in trouble by forum moderation.

  • Ayukama Alt.

Ima be real, posting about not being able to see posts doesn’t accomplish much either

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On one or two accounts. If that dries up immediately they’re not going to waste additional money just to make new accounts. And if they do they’re wasting additional money and I can block their entire account. It compounds the issue for the Trolls, while lessening the issue for the average person.

This isn’t rocket science.


That’s not how rights work. I can ask them to lock whatever I want, and they can in turn, lock whatever they want. So easy even a caveman can understand this.

Gotta admit, it is nice when the trolling is ignored, by all of us.

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Be better if it was just ignored without commenting on it

Feels immature to be like “haha i cant hear you” so like no need to fight fire with fire


If most people are already circumventing, today, what you hope to fix tomorrow… then you know, rocket science. You talk about money as a limiting factor, and it is, but it is already limiting. People who don’t want their real account actioned are already making the troll accounts.

The alts going around in circles and baiting folks does certainly prove part of why we need Account Wide Ignore. However, it really is ok to USE the current Ignore feature as well. Or just, not reply.

Stop taking the bait. They are doing this on purpose.

The thread will eventually get to the point it locks, but don’t let one of the pot stirring folks cause it.


I agree. Let it be locked from hitting thread cap, just to be created again.

Account wide ignores support.


I’m not an alt of anyone who has posted in 5 years. If you feel like everyone who disagrees with this thread is an alt talking to themselves, or replying to messages is trolling, that’s just paranoia tbh. I thought you were better than this, how disappointing. WoW players are the smartest people, indeed.

Fen, don’t reply to them. They might get bored and just mute the thread eventually.

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I can’t explain how less than helpful a mindset this is. You expect doing nothing to fix a problem over something logical that will.

Currently you can have 5 accounts tied to your Bnet. Those five accounts can possess 60 characters each. Those five accounts can also utilize an additional 50 characters for Classic.

That currently comes out to 550 characters per bnet accounts I’d have to block to truly be able to block someone.

Whereas, if I instead were blocking the bnet account that is 5.

Like I said it is indeed not rocket science.

Monetarily this would mean that with the ability to block an account a troll would have no choice but to spend money to continue to harass. Unlike now where they merely have the option, that they do not need, to harass.

Even if they do, with account wide ignores I will still lessen the amount of people who can access me.

Indeed, and there is no way around someone doing so, however I can greatly reduce the harm and increase the needed effort with an account wide ignore.

I thank you for allowing me to further expand upon the situation. I am going to move you to an ignore list at this time as I do not, upon review of your posts in this thread, feel you’re here to argue genuinely.


Do you honestly need to ask???


I appreciate the conversation, but the others are unironically correct. The only place this thread belongs is in the 404 trash heap of history lol. Locking it is too good. Most of the nicest people on the forums seemingly come here smearing everyone who disagrees with them as alts and trolls. I mean, I just can’t figure this out anymore and I don’t want to anymore.

Whatever good points you might have, and it’s not like I don’t have replies, are only going to be discussed by others, and those others are only going to get called alts and trolls for their efforts, even by green posters. What is the incentive for keeping this thread open? About zero.

If I was half the troll they keep calling me, you’d think I’d be banned.

Like a couple of people have been saying, you can just mute if you dont like seeing this thread on General discussion front page.

There is a button that either looks like a paw, eye or a bell under the scrolling bar, you can press it and hit “muted”

I cant post embed images anymore


/hug im sorry to hear

I can’t speak for anyone else but your attached image came up a blank white screen for me.

EDIT: I think they re-posted a few lines down. Unless that’s something else.

It’s a white box for me too