Can we get account wide ignore?

Stating the facts as they appear with the given evidence isn’t trolling either though.

Not really.


You do know what stalking actually means, do you Ard?

Stalking verb
1. pursue or approach stealthily.
“a cat stalking a bird”
2. harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention.
“for five years she was stalked by a man who would taunt and threaten her”

How does ignoring someone fall under any of this?


Yes, there are many blue posts that explain this. Same with announcing reports, which people have been actioned for. Same thing with calling people names as you just did.

Nah, they have this thread set to watch instead.

Like I said before if you don’t like a thread and wish not to see it again put it on mute, but instead of doing that they continue to troll.


Yeah…I probably won’t be posting anymore today as I just received some really bad news.

A step relative has died and my mothers gana need me.

Have fun.

Why don’t you link up those “Blue Post” to confirm. I’ve just went searching, and found nothing from Blizzard.


Interesting. Never seen one of them. I’d love to read one.


Take care Ardmccloud :frowning:

Good Lord… Did some one unleash the floodgate of alts today…


One of them confirmed to be an alt, and is trying to look for ways to get me banned from the forums just for looking through their armory to try and figure out their main.


That’s unfortunate. Sorry to hear, Ard. Hope your mom is OK.

Sorry to hear that Ard.

/gives hugs

If that somebody is me, then how am I trying to get you banned. I don’t want to get you banned. I just don’t appreciate the rumor mill you tried to start. Uncalled for. It didn’t have to be this way until I read that post.

Do you realize that once someone ignores you, they dont have any interest into you and not worth their time to keep engaging with those that they have ignored?

I have ignored a couple of people here and outside of this thread, I dont have any interest in looking for them nor do I want to talk to them.


All the things they’ve said in this thread is just things they want to do. Considering they’re the only ones who want to bring it up.


What name did I call someone exactly? I’m curious! And no, those are not “inflammatory”. But that’s cute that you feel that it is. Feel free to report my posts if you believe you’re right, though.

Would it be trolling or inflammatory to give you instructions on how to mute a thread too? I’m happy to help you out since you don’t like the replies in this thread and seem to find them confusing or that you’re misinterpreting them.


They have to have an actual sub for it. You have to be paying to use the forums. New Accounts will only drain their money and then we can just ignore the account there. Greatly reduces the amount of trolls by limiting them with money, greatly reduces the amount of trolls by making it a single ignore for each account made and generally is a better system than what we currently have.


Sure, but I can’t help but notice most toxic troll posts are already doing this.

I see some people are still running their chops… good thing I can’t see it.

Maybe not every post is about grinding an axe dude, and some people just reply out of politeness and don’t mind civil discourse. If every post feels this way to you, lock the thread :upside_down_face: