Can we get account wide ignore?

Sorry, had to switch alts to view the hidden replies, but I want to quote this, and mention this

You do know this sort of behaviour can get you into trouble what you’re doing right now. You know, causing disturbances in threads, and looking at finding ways to pick a fight. Do you know which rule this falls under that you’re breaching, or do you think you can handle that?


Well I don’t know where the line is drawn or not Mirasol, but they said they figured out who I am and that I was an alt who used to go into troll threads. I mean, kind of a neat trick being away 5+ years but somehow I managed.

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That is fine too on the forums. There is no rule on the forums about evading Ignores. That is for in-game only where Ignore ignores the whole account and going around that is cause for Ongoing Harassment reports.

Forums don’t work like that which is one of the reasons Account Wide forum ignore is needed.


maybe if I were lying tho, which I am not?

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It is the context on how the ignore is evaded though to whether action does get taken, and it is in the end, on whether the moderation does chose to proceed with action, or continue monitoring.


You can’t definitively establish in every case that is the users intent, which is why this discussion has spiraled so badly.

People can’t let go of their accusations.

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Mods need to lock this thread, that’s all. I don’t wanna be here bickering with you paranoid folk all day long. Don’t reply to my messages lying and I won’t have to come back in here.

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Or you can just mute it. Just because you disagree with account wide ignores, does not mean a thread needs to be locked! And that there, is trolling. My god, never going to catch a break from having to use the blue flags.


You could just use the Mute function and it’ll disappear for you like it never existed. No notifications, no nothing.


No they don’t, you don’t wanna be here mute the thread and leave.

Again mute the thread and leave you are who decided to come in here and start making nonsense replies earlier.


If it is to go after and harass someone, yes they would take action. They really don’t have any rules on the forums about “evading ignore” though. The rule you are talking about simply falls under harassment.


I only agree with this since another thread will just be started…and the dance will begin all over again.

Or, you could mute this thread instead of trying so hard to get it looked with posts like what you’ve been doing.

It’s okay that you don’t understand what doxxing and harrassment are unfortunately.


One of the main reasons why I stand against their suggestion.

You’re not allowed to disagree without being wrong.

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You’ve read my mind all too well. Only reason why I know of this, because I have seen post disappear of people using alts to bypass ignores to harass people. I can’t say what other actions have been taken though, because I don’t have that sort of information, but I know bypassing ignores to harass someone is a big no no.


People telling you to mute the thread if you don’t wanna see it or get notifications anymore or correcting you when you are wrong isn’t trolling, good lord.


Trolling you by suggesting that you mute the thread . .

That might be the best troll ever I guess.



Like you accusing people will use ignores to stalk people… You are wrong there. Here, let me quote some smart words from Perl:


Its hard to take that kind of advice when several posters turn around to talk smack about them like they’re a plague.

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Its a legitimate concern, regardless of you thinking its an accusation towards specific posters which isn’t my intent.

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