Can we get account wide ignore?

What I was getting at, was why choose a minimum-level alt to post on? Most people see level 10’s and see someone making an alt to troll on, right? You have to ask why they would do that, instead of a character they actively play on.

MVP’s are required to stick with the one posting toon, incase they want to transfer the toon they actively play on or do a name change.


One would think the green text and MVP status should be a clue otherwise.


Doesn’t seem like it, that one in particular posts a lot of inflammatory remarks.

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Anyways, I’m gonna go to bed. It is like almost 9am. Before I sleep, bedtime support for

  • Account wide ignores
  • Account wide flags
  • Account wide flags
  • Account wide trust levels
  • Account wide total post count
  • BattleTags underneath our characters.

Perl was actually level 7 until the new version of the forums required a level 10+ to post. My level has had zero to do with my ability to post accurate information over the many years I’ve posted here.

It’s why bringing up a posting character’s level in the CS forums has always been seen as silly. Posting on a max level character or a lower-level character has nothing to do with the content of the post.

That’s why it would be great for Blizz to include battle-tags on all posts here in the WoW forums as they do all their other forums.



You shouldn’t be picking sides on an issue like this.

Causes more inflammation.

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announcing ignores.

Even announcing flags (There’s no reason to do this besides being inflammatory)

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Here’s a good example of what’s wrong with the current system…

I’ve got a certain person on ignore, yet the current system still lets me know that they replied even if it hides the reply :frowning:

I’m sorry, ignored person, but I’m not going to un-ignore you to see what silly, nonsensical reply you had to my completely normal and accurate post. Good luck with your bad-acting crusade, though!

Thanks, though, for proving why the ignore feature needs to be updated and brought into the 21st century!


You’ve made your choice it seems.

Sorry, letting someone know that I’m going to ignore them is “inflammatory”? That doesn’t seem to meet the definition, but okay.

Uh-huh…yeah, not sure that’s “defamatory” either. Just a factual post that I was going to be making reports on posts. It’s cute that you posted right after someone I have on ignore did though…

Can’t wait for account-wide ignores :wink:


Thats for Blizzard to decide.

Blizzard has decided. I had several post of me saying I was going to ignore someone, and each and every post of those have been restored. I wonder why…


Ruh-roh! Another example of the system not working well :frowning: I appreciate their support though in proving why and how the system doesn’t currently work! +1 Hidden poster!!!


It was a reply to the thread. Why did you bother quoting it if it doesn’t have value to you?

No, actually it’s not. Put them on ignore and be done with them :slight_smile: But it’s not “harassment” to look up people’s alts. That’s just silly.


Then you obviously didn’t read the entire interaction if you think this is all that happened.

Then report them for harassment!

It won’t go anywhere as looking up your characters is not harassment…but feel free :slight_smile:


As have several of my posts when they’ve been thought to be against the CoC.

Playing the blame game isn’t going to go anywhere by the way.

I just don’t think it wise for Perl to engage in this discussion if they want to keep their MVP status.

You don’t own your Bnet account, characters, char data, or anything else. That is public information. It is not against the rules to look up someone’s characters.

Now, if they start making threads stating that [character] does horrible things then that is harassment. Call out threads like that get moderated.


I did and I kind of mostly left it at that. Haven’t even been online most of the day. You brought it back up again geez. When I came back it said I had replies waiting and read about the one with you somehow insinuating I was lying or some crap, I dunno what your point was. Maybe being a green poster you should try to be more responsible and get both sides of the story if you are going to wade into something.

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Is fine, people using alts to bypass those ignores isn’t.