Can we get account wide ignore?

I will pop in again and show my support for account wide ignore. :rabbit: :carrot:


what on earth does this mean, “doxxing attempt.” Like, how the hell is ignoring someone attempting to dox?


Who knows… that’s a stretch and a half.

If I don’t want to interact with someone we shouldn’t have to interact with someone.


At least the ignoring the account is better then ignoring characters that can be easily created in a click of a button (like you can literally create a level 10 allied race and a level 10 character is required to post here) and continue to circumvent systems such as ignores because discourse treats our characters as accounts.

Nobody is trying to take away that functionality.

The problem is that discourse treats our characters as seperate accounts and we want some things (like ignores) to be done on a battle net account level, like how moderations does here when someone in question is found to be guilty of breaking the CoC and they are locked from posting here on every character they have on the account.

In the past year, there are people who made claims that your btag can allow other people outside of your friends list to see what you doing on Blizzard services or how having account wide ignore will be abused.

We asked them to provide citation on their claims, they either refused or linked something that is completely unrelated to their claim.


Keep in mind, on other Blizzard game forums (SCII, Diablo, etc) it is our Bnet name that is our account, so Discourse works as it should.

All most of us are asking for is for the same set up to be applied to WoW forums, with the caveat that we can still switch avatars for posting. Going from 1 person, many “accounts”, to 1 account, many avatars.



You aren’t doing yourself any favors with this nonsense. Is your btag your irl name address and phone number? No? Then you aren’t getting doxxed…


I’ve seen people have their irl name as their btag and it’s like, “lol… wow…” XD

I think a person gets a free change though. Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to change it if that’s the case.

If not now, at least when/if they go to Btags for forums

Off topic but I’m quite curious on how the anti-btaggers feel about Plunderstorm displaying their Btag name portion.


Oh I saw it in plunderstorm a few times lol was rather odd

That’s a very good question!

They’re probably like Lilithia who thinks BTags are private and personal information, like a social security number or something…

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Catching up on this thread and I see there may be some new bad-faith posts happening.

While “doxxing” is a serious issue, looking up your alts or other posting characters is not anything even remotely the same and it’s actually an insult to people who are truly victims of having their real-life info made public.

Thankfully, nobody here is actually suggesting that any real-life info be used. We’re asking that something like the publicly available b-tags or a similar system be used to create a single posting identity where we can still select our posting character but eliminate the sock-puppets.

Additionally, the attempt to use a scary term like “stalking” as though that is something that can be done via these forums, once again seems completely offensive to people who have actually been stalked. Using these sorts of terms to try and bring a false fear about having a system that protects people from this sort of thing is just ill-informed.


Just BattleTags would be enough for the forums :slight_smile:


How come so many MVPs post on level 10’s if that were the case?

I seen more than a few very questionable btags during those games


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe MVPs are asked to consistently post on one forum character. Some of them choose level 10 alts for that purpose.

For all those raging against this idea; if you are not doing the things that this action would affect, then it should thusly have no affect on you. The rage is pointless.


I would prefer Blizzard step up on their moderation, I don’t really care if account-wide ignore is implemented, or battlenet id whatsit. I just get disappointed when I see bad behavior and nothing happens.

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I think we all wish that, but the downside is, the moderation are all humans at the other end too, and have all Blizzard owned forums to moderate and deal with, not just the World of Warcraft forums. This is why sometimes, things take a while to get dealt with when reporting some stuff.


I’m actually required to post on this character as it’s the same character that I’ve posted on for many (14+) years. Blizzard asks me to continue to post on this character as a CS MVP.

Why would my level even matter if my posting character included my battle tag? I’m all for having our battle tags included just as they are in all the other blizzard forums where many other MVPs also post.

To your point though, if I were max level, how would that reveal my real life info on the forums? That’s just silly to think that it would suddenly give everyone my real name, address, phone number etc. That’s what doxxing is. My character level has nothing to do with my ability to post accurate information.


I believe they have to pick one posting toon and most likely they use an alt for their posting avatar.