Can we get account wide ignore?

Seriously it’s funny someone gets so offended that others think they might be an alt of someone else after they’ve admitted they alt hop to post and it’s like account wide everything would include account wide ignores thus no one would have to interact with said person regardless what character they posted on so account wide options in all regards would be a positive not a negative.


That’s insane, this thread should be locked.

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Good luck with that one since mods have just removed troller comments like yours, Ards and Lil’s from it and never actually locked it.


Lying to people is always a great tactic, no one ever thought ard/lil were the same people lol

Could be the constant lies and stories you make up, idk


Locking a thread doesn’t mean the mods disagree with you. It just means people who come in disagreeing aren’t met with such an asinine doxxing attempt. I didn’t care all that much yesterday but now it bothers me a little bit the lengths you go to unmask others. Either way I am sure you will get your way in the end, locked thread or otherwise.

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I don’t understand why people won’t use the mute button it’s baffleing.


Pretty sure I’ve never once done this just ignored people after I find them annoying enough to ignore, I could really careless who whoever is just that if I ignore someone I want them to never be able to interact with me again.

We should account wide options with an account wide ignore feature isn’t a big deal most forums, websites, etc. have that feature built in even in game of WoW has that built in so there’s no problem with requesting it on the forums so people don’t have to ignore the same person 20 times.


Its a legit concern, but Bliz I’m so tired of seeing this, could you cave? Or can the banners accept 2 bans, 1 for in game and 1 for forums? Geez should this get a special accomplishment for the longest lasting argument about things that should happen.

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It’s more fun to come into a thread and accuse people of things obv

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constant lies? lol you guys throught we were all the same ppl for over a year.
if not, whos alts do u think we’re hopping to? we’re the only ones that talk LOL

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All these conspiracy theories, lol.

I don’t even have anyone in here on my Btag friends list.

Account wide ignore should have been a thing from the beginning.


One thing, past threads on this havbe been locked, another one pops up. Maybe the ones that sould take the hint are those that come in trying to get threads locked

Well, we have had MANY come in claiming things that are just not true, and ignore or twist words that go against them. WHen that is the “norm” for those that “disagree” does it matter if we are trying to doxx them or not as long as they can make it sound like we are in an attempt to derail topics for who knows what reason, though the expected is so they can contimue their BS.


Well like I said the amount I care is a lot closer to 0 than 1. If it brings benefit and joy to you than I am happy for you. Derailing this with rumor spreading isn’t helping you get what you want anytime soon, so you know, feel free to speak out against it too.

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Yes that one

Sure should have, weird how other forums can do this but this specific forum cant or its a toxic/witchhunt/harassment/bullying/freedomofspeech


so whos alts are we hopping too if you now dont think we arent the same people? lol
can you answer that? since u know, alt hopping is rampant and all

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What are you even attempting to talk about?

I’m aware you 4 aren’t the same people, so obviously you’re not hopping to each other?

Lil themselves already admitted to swapping characters regularly, unless you wanna deny that as well


No one wanting to interact with you because you’re unpleasant is not harassment.


Oh and also I just remembered that Blizz is going with the rigged results for the tier set choices for Season 4, poor Fury Warriors.

Account wide/Btags would have prevented that.


I see people on ignore still trying to be against account wide ignores?


And then…

No and then!

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