Can we get account wide ignore?

He cares because he wants to do it.


I am going to start flagging these. The mods know who I am and who I am not. You are just spreading rumors about me because you can’t comprehend that somebody may actually return to a game after taking a few years off. Well, given the state of the game, it is hard to believe I guess.

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Remember, account wide ignored hurt no one!

And the main arguments against them are “witch hunts” which don’t mean anything and the fact trolls will buy more accounts (which means more money for blizz)

So it’s a good thing for everyone, except the people who need to jump alts regularly cuz people keep ignoring them and then it’s everyone else’s fault instead of the person realizing they’re the problem


The last few posts are proof it will not stop with bnet tags. They are too easily circumvented and it’s scary why some of you really want to know who I am at all times. If they can implement account wide ignores without bnet tags, go for it, but we both know it’s not going to be one without the other.


I do not care at all if btags get implemented as well


No you just want to empower people to harass others while refusing to believe there is anything bad about your position. Like I said, these forums are a disappointment.

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I’m not making up what you want, I’d appreciate it if you did the same for me


It is what you want and although I appreciate it if you could be honest, you aren’t, so leave it at that.

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So you are just making up what I want and have decided to stick with it

Guess it’s time to not pay attention to you anymore either lol

Further proof anti account wide ignored people don’t live in reality


I’m sure you had good intentions but there is a dark side to what you want that you aren’t admitting to because you said there were no downsides.

Further proof you guys just quick to insult when you have no actual rebuttal.

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Daily support for account-wide forum stuff!



Using alts to flag bomb people is against CoC, but if you want too you can I guess. It’s’ not my account or suspension.


Thanks for the warning, but I am not alt flag bombing. I am not even flagging posts I disagree with. Just the rumor ones. On one character.

I see now. You guys are split into two camps. Explaining the first type probably would get me suspended, lol. Although I stand by it. The second type is you guys just can’t give others the benefit of the doubt and let them be them.

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I swear, I have them on ignore, and I can see the entire reply… Like, this makes no sense.

Anyways, Yveni, You can flag anyone you want. I don’t even care if you flag me. Nobody here is violating the Code of Conduct, and people were speculating on you being an Undead Mage.


:white_check_mark: account wide ignore
:ballot_box_with_check: account wide flags
:white_check_mark: account wide likes
:ballot_box_with_check: account wide trust levels
:white_check_mark: account wide total post count


You were spreading rumors about me. I didn’t even flag the childish insults. You disagreed with my stance and then admitted to stalking me by trying to figure out who I was or wasn’t, and told everyone that you think I was some other guy who used to go into troll threads. You guys crossed a line in your unhealthy daily obsession over this.

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that little bit of doubt gets smashed with comments like this

account wide everything plz


this is a very common tactic they do. me, ard, lithia, tae are all the same people according to them lol. anyone who does not go with their stance for any reason are the enemies. its so strange lol, honestly if you wanna attempt to talk about account wide / btags, your best person is mirasol. she doesnt attack u.

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yeah it’s like why would blizz want to give stalkers the tools they need to make stalking easier? :upside_down_face: They should just lock this thread down now. Anyone who disagrees get’s a doxxing attempt and rumor mill going.

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you missed when one of the people here thought she was being stalked and went to customer support w/ another person because the other poster who disagreed just so happen to talk in a thread another thread she was in, didnt even respond to her just happen to post lol. i was laughing so hard lol. i swear no one is out to get anywhere here.

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